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AP 515 reboot - conductor transitioned to local

This thread has been viewed 14 times
  • 1.  AP 515 reboot - conductor transitioned to local

    Posted Jun 03, 2024 10:44 AM

    Hi team, 

    Good day! 

    Recently, I have noticed that some APs had different system uptime compared to others. I have a virtual controller managed by Aruba Central. These APs compared to others were rebooting for no reason. 

    When searching some logs I found this: 

    Reboot Time and Cause: AP rebooted Sun Jun 2 17:52:17 UTC 2024; System cmd at uptime 5D 20H 49M 1S: conductor transitioned to local (new conductor X.X.X.X, uplink flaps 0, max beacon miss 26), uptime from being conductor 24 seconds)

    It's like that group of APs lost communication with the VC. 

    Previously, I went to the switch and checked the stats for all ports. I don't see that those ports have rebooted

    Any thoughts?


  • 2.  RE: AP 515 reboot - conductor transitioned to local

    Posted Aug 23, 2024 06:45 PM

    Hello Luis. We are just seeing this now as well. Did you ever get any insight as to what may be causing it and how to resolve it?