
  • 1.  Known issue with ArubaSW API

    Posted Apr 04, 2019 01:17 PM



    When i working on PowerArubaSW module, i found some bug (or feature...) on Aruba Switch (2920, 2930M/F, 3810, 54xxRzl)


    First issue :

    vlan_name is mandatory when use v4 (and after API) for add or configure a vlan


    Second issue :

    Before firmware 16.08.0002, when looking LLDP neighbor/remote via rest/vX/lldp/remote-device

    You don't get ALL the list of neighbor (missing neighbor between a trunk/LACP...)


    3th issue :

    When using AnyCLI and show interfaces command, don't display the table (get issue with Firmware

    result                :   Port     Name       Status  Config-mode   Speed    Type       Tagged Untagged
                              -------- ---------- ------- ------------- -------- ---------- ------ --------

    (but it is no really a good idea to call show interface, it is better to use Vlan/Port API...)


  • 2.  RE: Known issue with ArubaSW API

    Posted Apr 04, 2019 01:19 PM

    Also when using LLDP remote/neighbor and there is multiple entry for a port (like buggy switch or in Workbench...), there is only one entry display...


  • 3.  RE: Known issue with ArubaSW API

    Posted Apr 07, 2019 10:16 AM

    Add a 3th issue about AnyCLI and "show interfaces" (don't display value...)


  • 4.  RE: Known issue with ArubaSW API

    Posted Apr 10, 2019 05:08 AM

    Thanks for posting this Alexis.


    Firstly, I think we should remove issue 1, this is a required variable as part of the JSON schema. The VLANs on the switch all have names, you just do not have to enter it during creation with the CLI:


    2900-1# sh vlan


    VLAN ID Name | Status Voice Jumbo
    ------- -------------------------------- + ---------- ----- -----
    1 DEFAULT_VLAN | Port-based No No
    2 MGMT | Port-based No No
    3 VLAN3 | Port-based No No
    5 VLAN5 | Port-based No No


    You don't need to dream up imaginative names, just default to the standard name as per above. In code this is trivial, just use the VLAN integer as a variable and add it to string "VLAN" to be used as the "name" value in the k-v pair.


    The other two I'll have to get into the lab to recreate.

  • 5.  RE: Known issue with ArubaSW API

    Posted Apr 10, 2019 05:30 AM

    Hi Joe,


    it is a Known (fixed) issue...

    for the first, coming from before you don't need to set vlan_name (with APIv1/v2/v3) but it is changed with v4...


  • 6.  RE: Known issue with ArubaSW API

    Posted Apr 10, 2019 05:48 AM

    A quick look at the JSON schema v1 against v4 and it looks like VLAN was tidied up as the API developed.

    VLAN name is in v1 as a requirement according to the schema and I remember it being in the very first tutorial I received on the API.

    It looks like the newer APIs are correct.

    Thus it is useful to make a note of it but is there any impact that would require us to pursue this specific issue further? K-Vs with VLAN name & number are compatible with all APIs and trivial to write in code.

    Hence why I suggest marking this as known, no further action, and look at the other two.


  • 7.  RE: Known issue with ArubaSW API

    Posted Apr 10, 2019 05:52 AM

    When i write my code to add a vlan (for start using v3 API), the name is not mandatory... (like with CLI)

    i have now fixed my code... but if a user use a old release... and get the same issue (i lost some time for understood why don't work...)

  • 8.  RE: Known issue with ArubaSW API

    Posted Apr 15, 2019 06:57 AM

    The JSON schema looks like it always had a vlan name as a requirement though. The document has been tidied up in more recent releases, I think I should put together a video about how to read through it. Thus anybody that was using that to pick out the requirements would be adding in a VLAN name even back in 16.02. Not sure why v3 didn't need it to be honest but the API and the schema seem to be aligned now.