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VLAN assignment with clearpass

This thread has been viewed 125 times
  • 1.  VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted Jan 16, 2015 06:02 AM

    Dear all, 


    I am new in CPPM, so please help me on this.


    i have a Aruba controller, & a CPPM, 


    Now i want to create users in cppm's internal DB, and assign them to different vlan but using

    one SSID.


    Means  one SSID is there  [ CORP ], and if sales person connect to it, the he/she will get a vlan. And if technical person connect to it then he/ she will get different vlan.


    how can i do this ?


    kindly tell me what things will be required..



  • 2.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 16, 2015 06:32 AM


    First create the roles you need , Sales , IT , etc..

    2015-01-16 06_23_47-ClearPass Policy Manager - Aruba Networks.png


    Then add the new users to the local db and assign the roles to each user

    2015-01-16 06_24_28-ClearPass Policy Manager - Aruba Networks.png


    Then create an enforcement profile with the VLANs you are planning to send to the controller based on the TIPS ROLE condition wheter is Sales or IT


    2015-01-16 06_25_49-ClearPass Policy Manager - Aruba Networks.png


    And finally in your policy use the TIPS ROLE condition to send the VLAN assignment

    2015-01-16 06_26_41-ClearPass Policy Manager - Aruba Networks.png

  • 3.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted Jan 16, 2015 06:46 AM

    Thank you victor....


    Now i understand,  and also its working.


    thank you again, you are a great man.

  • 4.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted Nov 28, 2017 01:16 PM
    Hi, same problem but a little diference. I have around 2500 users and I would need 1000 of them with a different vlan EACH one (on a big congress center, for shaping, monitoring etc). It's this solution escalable to 1000_1500 different roles_vlans? (No matter how mu h time it cost to configure) It's there a better way?


  • 5.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted Nov 28, 2017 01:18 PM

    Why would you put 2500 users into 1000 different VLANS?

  • 6.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted Nov 28, 2017 01:48 PM
    Well do t think on the tipycall guest/corporative architechture, we act sometimes as a "little service provider". There is a lot of reasons, to isolate users, have different n3 an n2 configs, monitor separated traffic. Sometimes we have high technologicall venues (1000 and up exhibitors) and we have to configure in very very short time (hours) so many different and sometimes complex lans and had the hability to change, troubleshoot. No other way than vlans I guess to do that.

  • 7.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted Nov 28, 2017 01:18 PM
    What is the identity store you're using?

  • 8.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted Nov 28, 2017 01:40 PM
    Hi, I haven't it configured. I'm preparing a clearpass pilot for big venue center at barcelona and I know this is an historic request that they solve by dot1x. That causes tons of complaints with windows users. We solve it with aruba quick connect for autoconfig pcs but not very efficient (users need wifi to reach the url).

  • 9.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted Mar 12, 2018 03:11 PM

    Hi All,


    I know this threat is old, but I have the same requirements to do and your sample is correct. I jus would like to know what services can I use in this case and also what changes needs to be done on the controller side.

  • 10.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted Mar 13, 2018 01:43 PM

    Hi, not simple but very effective. In clearpass side basically two services (mac authenticaton and 802.1x windows) and CoA action. The tip is the action sequence:


    1- user connect to ssid, is marked as unknown so a captive portal is displayed (I used my own captive from a ftp server, not clearpass one).

    2- user connects with user y password under the captive (local clearpass users on this case).

    3- Controller assign vlan defined to this web authentication SSID

    4- CoA action to force user authenticate again

    5- automatically user connects again and is marked as KNOWn. Vlan configured for the user (as atribute in clearpass) can be assigned secure in layer 2.


    *Users must exist as local on clearpass and have Vlan as attribute, but I´m sure t can be done from AD, LDAP.



    ¿What about Controller side? (cisco on this case)

    - Global confi: add the clearpass as a radius (authentication and accounting)

    - SSID:

    - It must be maped to a Interface Group instead interface (group of vlans)

    -under security tab:

    layer2, enable MAC Filtering.

    layer 3 , enable On MAC Filter failure, configure a preauthentication ACL,Override Global Config, Web Auth type redirect to external server (add https://whateverURL),

    AAA Servers: add clearpass IP for authent and accounting


    ACL parameters it depends, restrict all you can but permit DNS and UDP to the clearpass (and the captive portal IP).


    Before going crazy...CoA delay default values don´t use to achieve goals,  probably you will have to test a lot to find the correct.


    Hi All,


    I know this threat is old, but I have the same requirements to do and your sample is correct. I jus would like to know what services can I use in this case and also what changes needs to be done on the controller side.



    Hi All,


    I know this threat is old, but I have the same requirements to do and your sample is correct. I jus would like to know what services can I use in this case and also what changes needs to be done on the controller side.

  • 11.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted May 08, 2024 02:16 AM

    Hi Victor,

    Was just checking. 

    Could we assign roles to a group from AD, instead of localdb user?

    Wouldn't that be more scalable?

  • 12.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted May 09, 2024 07:43 AM
    Edited by jpittman May 09, 2024 07:44 AM

    Hi champ885,

    Yes, you are correct, using AD groups would be easier to manage. However, the OP's first message did state that he wanted to create local users.

    The only thing that would be different from Victor's example is that instead of going to "Local Users" and creating a local user, you'd go to "Role Mappings", create a new Role Mapping and add a new Mapping Rule and set the following:

    Type: <Your AD Authorization source>

    Name: Groups

    Operator: Contains

    Value: <The name of the AD group>

    Role Name: <The name of the role you want to assign, ie: "Sales" in Victor's example>

  • 13.  RE: VLAN assignment with clearpass

    Posted May 11, 2024 10:15 PM

    Thanks so much for clarifying and providing those steps Jason!!

    much much appreciated 🙏🏾!