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unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

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  • 1.  unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 17, 2012 05:58 AM


    I try to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux ( 6.3 x64 ), this server is a Vmware virtual machine.
    The launch of work fine, but when I try to connect to a Mysql Server ( either localhost or remote host ), I got an install error (cf png attached files) .
    The mysql servers are 5.1( .61 for local and .49 for remote)
    I can connect to them with mysql client without problem ( mysql -h xxx -uxxxx -pxxxx )
    I have made a tcp capture between IMC server and Remote Mysql Server, It seems to work fine ( cf attached pcap zipped file).
    I try t activate java debug (log), but the reason doesn"t clearly appear ! :-(

    Did someone have the same Issue ?

    Gildas Huet



    zip   703 B 1 version

  • 2.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 22, 2012 11:01 AM



    First of all, you have to verify your DB is well configured :

    1. On the mysql server, did you copy file my-huge.cnf (typically located in /usr/share/mysql/my-huge.cnf) to /etc/my.cnf ?
    2. In this file my.cnf, did you make the following changes :
    •  Add the max_connections parameter under [mysqld]. If this parameter already exists, you can change the value.




    • Configure the Character set:




    • Configure Engine Type


    default-storage-engine = INNODB


    • Configure case insensitive table names




    • Disabling log-bin settings




    • Set innodb buffer sizes





    • Set the max allowed packet size


    max_allowed_packet = 200M


    After all that conf, you'll have to restart mysql



    Then if this is still not working verify you don't use any special character in your admin db password (such as @ for example), IMC doesn't support it.


    Hopes this help.



  • 3.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 22, 2012 11:26 AM
      |   view attached

    Thank for your response.


    I try exactly what you have explain, but it doesn't work better :-(

    I use the same root username in mysql and IMC (with a 'simple' password, is IMC qwerty/azerty sensible ???)

    or must I use another username for IMC/MYSQL ?


    I join a log with dump of mysql variables.




    PS : @Fabien : are you French too ?




    mysql_variables.txt   703 B 1 version

  • 4.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 23, 2012 03:58 AM



    I will check all my mySQL parameters and let you know.

    Et oui je suis français également ...



  • 5.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 23, 2012 04:18 AM



    Let's keep talking English for other potential visitors.

    As you can see in the attached file, the only significant differences betwwen your parameters and mine are :

    • " | log_bin                                 | ON  "  on my server and OFF on yours
    • " | sql_mode                                | STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION " on my server and empty on yours.

    I am not sure this will change anything so I'll have a look on your pcap file you joined in your first post (I didn't yet have a look on it).





  • 6.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 23, 2012 05:03 AM

    Well, it seems very strange.


    In the capture file we can see IMC can connect to the database and make some request. So I don't think it's a connection issue.

    Perhaps one or more replies for some request are not the ones expected by IMC.

    So can you find the instal log in order to see if there are more details (I think it is located in /tmp/ directory but not sure).




  • 7.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 23, 2012 05:03 AM

    And can you also post your environment variables on your db server ?



  • 8.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 24, 2012 08:27 AM

    I didn't find any log of IMC install


    here is the server env variables ( via shell -> set )

    NOTE: File attachment removed for security reasons on 09/14/2020 by Admin


    Kind regards

  • 9.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 27, 2012 04:31 AM



    Sorry, I can't find anything wrong in your environment. I was looking for something like "LANG=fr" but your configuration is very closed to mine.


    One thing I think I forgot in the mysql conf, did you grant following privileges to the user you used to connect from IMC (in my case root) :

    grant all privileges on *.* to root@'%' identified by 'mysql' with grant option;




  • 10.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 27, 2012 05:40 AM

    first : thanx for your work about this issue.


    Which versions of IMC, Mysql and Linux did you use ? in 32/64 bits ?

  • 11.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 27, 2012 05:57 AM

    So I use two linux servers :

    • Database server :
      Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4
      Mysql : Server version: 5.1.60-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)
    • IMC server :
      Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4
      IMC 5.1 SP1 Enterprise Edition



  • 12.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 27, 2012 05:59 AM

    I forgot to tell you both are 64 bits version.




  • 13.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Oct 31, 2012 07:16 PM
    Once all the mysql privileges are correct ... Check the host table - seems silly but if you don't have a mapping for your ip to proper hostname certain parts of the install will fail.

    Edit /etc/hosts and add :

    X.x.x.x Hostname
    Where x.x.x.x is the ip and hostname is your server name.

    Then restart the install.

  • 14.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Nov 20, 2012 12:28 PM

    Have you found a solution for this problem?

    I get the same error: "connection to the database failed" but I can see querys at the mysql query log.






  • 15.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Nov 22, 2012 04:59 AM



    no I haven't found a solution ! :-(


    wich version of RHEL did you use ?




  • 16.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Nov 22, 2012 10:10 AM



    Same problem here but with the configuration :


    CentOS 6.3 X64 (2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64)

    MySQL 5.1.61

    IMC Std 5.1


    I am able to connect to MySQL from the shell but IMC installation fails the step "Checking database connectivity"


    Have no idea where to look for as this error message is so helpfull :-)


    Thanks in advance for any help




  • 17.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Jan 09, 2013 12:38 PM

    Having the exact same issue. Was a fix ever found for it?

  • 18.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Jan 09, 2013 02:01 PM



    I also ran into this and I was told to install the following 32bit libraries as well on the 64bit platform:


    Make sure to verify first with

    "rpm -qa | grep lib"

    that the 32bit version you will be installing are matching the currently installed 64bit versions.


    This plus the tip on the hosts file made it work for me.


  • 19.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Jan 09, 2013 03:06 PM

    Ah, the 32 bit libraries are what did it. Thanks so much!

  • 20.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Jan 10, 2013 05:31 AM



    for me, only the libaio-0.3.107-10.el6.i686.rpm was missing.

    I install it, and now it works fine !!! :-)


    Thank you very much.


    Kind Regards

    Gildas Huet


  • 21.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted May 23, 2014 06:56 AM
    Once again Peter proves why he's an Honored Contributor. Well done.

    I can't believe the installation process is so lame. It really doesn't fill me with confidence about the software. We'll see how it goes over the next few weeks.

  • 22.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Aug 30, 2014 12:22 PM

    It seems that iMC's installation wizard only checks the mysqld process parameters..


    So rather than relying on the my.cnf, stop the mysqld process (either via init.d script or kill) and manually run the mysqld executable binary with the --max-allowed-packet=256M and --max-connections=400 parameters.. run:


    mysqld --max-allowed-packet=256M --max-connections=400



  • 23.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Mar 27, 2013 09:36 AM


    Hello all,


    if you still have the problem, this support manual is a little more accurate than the package provided one.




  • 24.  RE: unable to install IMC 5.1 on a RHEL Linux with Mysql

    Posted Sep 17, 2013 02:35 AM
    hi ! the document
    just mention that mysql should be un-installed.

    what should be installed ?
