I believe you are adding all memebers in ring topology.
||SW1|| -----
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||SW2|| |
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||SW3|| |
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||SW4|| |
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1. If you are adding member 3+4 to 1+2
1. Obviously you need downtime for 3+4.
2. Renumber the switch 3+4 if it already not.
3. Check and change the IRF memeber 3+4 priority, its not required but keeping low comapre to master is good.
4. shutdown the IRF interfaces on 3+4
5. No need to do any shutdown on 1+2
Suppose 1+2 interfaces are conencted via tengig 49 and 3+4 connected via tengig 49
In new scenario, SW1 conencted to SW2 via tengig49, sW2 conencted to SW3 via tengig50, SW3 connected to SW4 via tengig49 and SW4 conencted to SW1 via tengig50
For eg.
Current config: 1+2
irf-port 1/1
port group interface tengig 1/0/49
irf-port 2/2
port group interface tengig 2/0/49
Undo shutdown interface on both switches
save config
irf-port-configuration active on SW1 then SW2 then SW2 will reboot
Current config: 3+4
irf-port 3/1
port group interface tengig 3/0/49
irf-port 4/2
port group interface tengig 4/0/49
Undo shutdown interface on both switches
save config
irf-port-configuration active on SW3 then SW4 then SW4 will reboot
In new scenairo: 1+2 adding 3+4
1. Make sure IRF interfaces on SW3 is shutdown and conencting IRF interface to Sw3 on SW2 is shutdown
2. Connect SW2 to SW3
3. Add irf-port 2/1 on 1+2 IRF switch and add port group interface tengig 2/0/50
4. Add irf-port 3/2 on SW3 IRF switch and add port group interface tengig 3/0/50
5. Unshutdown interfaces tengig 2/0/50 then SW3 3/0/50 then save config
6. Run--> irf-port-configuration active on SW1+2 then SW3 then SW3 will reboot and joined IRF
7. Now connect 1+2+3 with SW 4 and make sure IRF interfaces on SW3 conencting to SW4 is shutdown and interfaces on SW4 conencting to SW3 and SW1 is shutdown.
8. Add irf-port 3/1 on 1+2+3 IRF switch and add port group interface tengig 3/0/49, if exist from old IRF config then skip this step.
9. Add irf-port 4/2 on SW4 IRF switch and add port group interface tengig 4/0/49, if exist from old IRF config then skip this step.
10. Unshutdown interfaces tengig 3/0/49 then SW4 4/0/49 then save config
11. Run--> irf-port-configuration active on SW1+2+3 then SW4 then SW4 will reboot and joined IRF
12. Now shut down interface tengig 1/0/50 and 4/0/50
13. irf-port 1/2 and add port group interface tengig 1/0/50
14. irf-port 4/1 and add port group interface tengig 4/0/50
15. Undo shutdown both interfaces
16. Run--> irf-port-configuration active. No device will reboot.
17. Check IRF topology then you qill find ring topology.
Final configuration would be like that:
irf mac-address persistent timer
irf auto-update enable
undo irf link-delay
irf member 1 priority 32
irf member 2 priority 1
irf member 3 priority 32
irf member 4 priority 1
lldp global enable
system-working-mode standard
xbar load-single
password-recovery enable
lpu-type f-series
vlan 1
irf-port 1/1
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/49
irf-port 1/2
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/50
irf-port 2/1
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/50
irf-port 2/2
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/49
irf-port 3/1
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet3/0/49
irf-port 3/2
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet3/0/50
irf-port 4/1
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet4/0/50
irf-port 4/2
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet4/0/49
<SW1>dis irf
MemberID Role Priority CPU-Mac Description
*1 Master 32 309d-1669-0100 ---
2 Standby 1 309d-1a60-0200 ---
3 Standby 32 309d-1df8-0300 ---
+4 Standby 1 309d-2117-0400 ---
<SW1>dis irf topology
Topology Info
IRF-Port1 IRF-Port2
MemberID Link neighbor Link neighbor Belong To
1 UP 2 UP 4 309d-1669-0100
2 UP 3 UP 1 309d-1669-0100
3 UP 4 UP 2 309d-1669-0100
4 UP 1 UP 3 309d-1669-0100
I hope this post answered your query.