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  • 1.  10508 Comware v7 fabric error

    Posted Jan 29, 2020 09:05 AM

    Hi there...

    I have a customer where I just installed an HPE 10508 chassis, running the latest firmware version of v7. In this next weekend I am going to add an slave member, forming the IRF Stack that has been previiously configured.

    The first chassis is running for the last 10 days without problems, while the second rack is being fixed, where the second chassis will be installed. But yesterday a strange error started to appear in the log, without any clue of which could be the root cause:

    % Jan 28 12: 06: 03: 519 2020 ESACSE_DC_CORE DEV / 4 / DEV_FAULT_TOOLONG: Card in chassis 1 slot 10 is still in Fault state for 10200 minutes.

    The slot 10 refers to the first fabric card. This message was repeated every 60 minutes until this morning, when we pulled out the card and inserted it again, back to normal operation.

    As I said before, there is no clue of what could be the root cause of this alarm in the log - just the error itself. I am not sure if I can swap the card with another fabric from the second switch, which is already configured, so I didn't made any offline test with the card. I know that the control plane and data plane runs separately in MPU and the fabric cards, but I am not sure if I could swap cards from different switches that are already configured.

    Any idea of what is this error? I could not find any document referred to somtehing like that.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • 2.  RE: 10508 Comware v7 fabric error

    Posted Jan 29, 2020 08:26 PM

    It looks like a Device Management Warning message (with a Severity Level of 4 which means "Warning") and recommended actions are: reboot the card or, If the problem persists, contact the HPE Support. Not much more about possible causes.

    Wasn't able to find a reference exactly about the HPE 10500 Switch series...the nearest one reference (note that is common to Comware 7 NOS) references to HPE 5950 Switch series (see here sheet 304 "Device Messages" Chapter).

  • 3.  RE: 10508 Comware v7 fabric error

    Posted Jan 30, 2020 07:59 AM

    Hi Parnassus.

    The HPE support just called me, there are an alarm with the health level of the primary MPU in the display diagnostic output:

      ==== display hardware internal diag health information chassis 1 slot 4 ==== 

    Health Error List :

    Fwd Check Fail

    Hg Monitor Check Fail

    Health Error lever :2

    This means that a problem with the sync among the cards and the MPU can be the root cause of these events. Today we will perform some tests with the MPU and I will let you know, later.