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  • 1.  1920 QoS classifier - DSCP greyed out?

    Posted May 10, 2016 10:07 AM
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    Hi folks,

    I am having an issue with my 1920 swicthes whereby the DSCP and other options are greyed out in my classifier setup page?

    On my 1910 swicthes I dont have this problem?

    Hopefully screenshot attached will help.

    Thanks in advance,


  • 2.  RE: 1920 QoS classifier - DSCP greyed out?

    Posted May 10, 2016 04:07 PM

    Same here.
    Can't you get around this limitation by filtering on DSCP in ACL

  • 3.  RE: 1920 QoS classifier - DSCP greyed out?

    Posted May 11, 2016 03:52 AM


    What I am trying to achieve is QoS for all VoIP traffic for our mitel phone system.  The phones tag their traffic, as I understand it, with DSCP value of 46.  I want to use what should be standard switch functionality to look for this and assign it a higher priority over normal trafffic on my switches.

    This is new to me so i followed the manual as such.

    I'm looking at what you have suggested but i'm not sure that it will achieve the same without setting out a seperate IP range for my phones?

    I dont have many to contend with, <10 in total.  I am however getting bandwidth errors on the phones indicating that i need to implement QoS.

    None of my 1920 switches are allowing me to do this which makes me wonder if i'm missing something or its a really major bug??




  • 4.  RE: 1920 QoS classifier - DSCP greyed out?

    Posted May 11, 2016 06:33 AM

    If the phones and pbx already tag the dscp value, just trust the dscp value on ports connecting the phones.   This will automatically use proper queue for voip packets

  • 5.  RE: 1920 QoS classifier - DSCP greyed out?

    Posted May 11, 2016 07:33 AM

    i'll give that a try, thanks for the assist!

    Still seems strange that the functionality isnt working I need to report it as a bug or something do you think?