Recently I try to configure a cisco virtual cisco WLC with clearpass. So I have created a guest SSID and when a client connects to it he is successfully redirected to clearpass slef signed portal. There the user can self register himself and he recieves the reciept from clearpass. When I press the "Login" botton to continue further then I receive in the browser the address and I cannot continue. In addition I cannot see any radius messages from access tracker to arrive at the clearpass.
The problem is not for sure in the radius configuration of the cisco wlc because I have another wlan connection "corporate ssid", where I use 802.1.x for authentication and I recieve radius messages.
In the self registration captive portal I have configured the following fields
Vendor Setting=Cisco systems
Login Method= Controler Initiated
IP address= ( the virtual interface of controller. Also I have verified the webauth certificate of WLC has CN=
Pre-Auth Check=none- no extra checks will be made
Also I tried the same configuration by using FQDN i.e guest.domain.gr because, by using DNS Host Name, Changing the webauth certificate to have cn=guest.domain.gr, create a dns entry for guest.domain.gr-> Again I had the same result.
Has anyone met this problem?I have a couple of days and I cannot understand why this happens.