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  • 1.  2910 al J9146A J9148A Upgrading to W_15_08_0012.swi

    Posted Nov 19, 2012 08:11 AM

    Hello Every one,

                                  I have around 6 switches for the customer. Three 2910 al J9146A and three J9148A model. I downloaded their images as they were running old image  W.14.06.

    1st of all i didn't find any where which one is recommended image for these products. But i found the latest one which is W.15.08.

    *** BootROM update ***

    This software includes an update to BootROM W.14.06.
    If your switch has an older version of BootROM, the
    BootROM will be updated with this software.

    **Do not interrupt power to the switch during the update!!**

    I have downloaded latest images for both models via TFTP. Its working fine on Primary secondry. But still it hasn't updated BootRom image. As its mentioned in relase notes.


    I did the same. couple of times reboot etc etc
     but still BootRom Image is still W.14.06.....



    HP-E2910al-24G-PoE# show flash
    Image             Size (bytes) Date     Version
    ----------------- ------------ -------- --------------
    Primary Image    :     9395197 07/20/12 W.15.08.0012         
    Secondary Image  :     9395197 07/20/12 W.15.08.0012        

    Boot ROM Version : W.14.06
    Default Boot     : Primary



    Looking FWD for your assistance.

    Kind Regards.



  • 2.  RE: 2910 al J9146A J9148A Upgrading to W_15_08_0012.swi

    Posted Nov 21, 2012 02:37 AM

    The boot ROM version and the software version rarely (possibly never - i can't recall) match.  As long as your switch reboots successfully and 'show version' reports that you are running the version that 'show flash' shows as available, then you're in good shape.

  • 3.  RE: 2910 al J9146A J9148A Upgrading to W_15_08_0012.swi

    Posted Nov 21, 2012 02:38 AM
    P.S. Here's an example from my 3400cl:

    hp3400cl# show flash
    Image Size(Bytes) Date Version
    ----- ---------- -------- -------
    Primary Image : 3838596 08/26/09 M.10.76
    Secondary Image : 3316278 08/11/05 M.08.74
    Boot Rom Version: I.08.12
    Current Boot : Primary
    hp3400cl# show version
    Image stamp: /sw/code/build/makf(mkfs)
    Aug 26 2009 10:27:10
    Boot Image: Primary