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  • 1.  3com serial console pinout

    Posted Jun 13, 2012 01:39 AM

    I'm looking to buy a terminal server for my lab which includes some cisco, procurve and h3c switches.


    The front of the h3c switches (A5500) has a RJ45 port similar to that of a cisco switch. Is the pinout the same? If not is there an adapter available that will convert the cisco cabling to match the h3c port?

  • 2.  RE: 3com serial console pinout

    Posted Jun 13, 2012 03:25 AM
    I can't point you to any official documentation on this, but i've successfully mixed Cisco & A5500 console cables with no problems.

  • 3.  RE: 3com serial console pinout

    Posted Jun 21, 2012 03:20 PM

    Hi , you can user the both consoles on the equipments, the pin out is the same.


