I am currently trying to setup several 520WL ap's. I am having trouble entering MAC address's in by CLI as I have a large list I would like to paste into a telnet session.
The command set macacltbl command cannot add new entries. It is only able to edit ones that are already created.
I have also tried to setup RADIUS MAC authenication but whenever I enable this via the web interface I get the following error: "Error updating parameters!". It seems that with any combination of settings that this error will happen.
I then tried to turn on radius mac authentication via CLI. The set radmacacctrl enable command does not work. It does not accept either enable or disable as parameters as the manual indicates. I tried numbers and the number two in place of enable is accepted and it states the AP need to reboot. I reboot but the RADIUS MAC Authentication is still off.
It seems alot of things in the web interface and cli dont seem to work that well.
I HAVE the latest version of firmware as well.
Any ideas?