Wireless Access

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  • 1.  7220 Standalone Migration / 515 AP install

    Posted Jul 18, 2019 12:30 PM

    I have a single stand alone controller running about 300 APs I recently purchased 40 515s. I knew that my current code ( would not support them so I began the process of Migrating. I used the Migration Tool on 5/17/2019 to upgrade followed the instructions to the letter. It failed miserably the WebUI was completely corrupted. As of yesterday we finally got the new controller installed. Small Victories are still victories. The 515s still dont work I am completely frazeled I have opened 4 different support ticket to address the issue and no one can give me an answer. I use CPSEC and the devices provsion without error. The devices just show "IF" Flags. I am just at a loss. Is there anyone who can help ????Capture.PNG  

  • 2.  RE: 7220 Standalone Migration / 515 AP install

    Posted Jul 18, 2019 12:41 PM

    You upgraded to which version of code?

    What is the DRT being used?

    What country are you in?

    How are the APs powered, what switch model, and is LLDP enabled?



    Them getting to the controllers and coming up is good, IF indicates (I) they are inactive, so it could be something as simple as no VAP in the AP group those APs are assigned to, incorrect regulatory config, or DRT that doesn't fully support the 515. Let's start there

  • 3.  RE: 7220 Standalone Migration / 515 AP install

    Posted Jul 18, 2019 12:42 PM

    What is output of


    show ap regulatory

    show country

  • 4.  RE: 7220 Standalone Migration / 515 AP install

    Posted Jul 18, 2019 12:52 PM

    (Jamaica) [mynode] #show country

    Regulatory Domain:Restricted US
    (Jamaica) [mynode] #show ap regulatory

    Regulatory Version :1.0_71313
    (Jamaica) [mynode] #

  • 5.  RE: 7220 Standalone Migration / 515 AP install

    Posted Jul 18, 2019 12:53 PM

    If you have a show-tech, you can email me at 


    jerrod.howard -at- hpe -dot- com 


    and I can look at the logs and config. 


  • 6.  RE: 7220 Standalone Migration / 515 AP install

    Posted Jul 18, 2019 12:57 PM

    Emailed you the case number 

  • 7.  RE: 7220 Standalone Migration / 515 AP install

    Posted Jul 21, 2019 08:47 AM

    hi bac1

    Please try enabling LLDP on the 3850 switch, or, enable "ipm-enable" in the AP system profile "default".


    Enabling lldp is the preferred fix, but you can confirm this is due to the AP being on 802.3af power using the ap system profile tweak as well.


    * edit/update 23 July 2019*
    The root cause of this is that starting with Aruba OS will keep an AP51x in an Inactive state (captial i flag in show ap database) if the AP is powered up by 802.3af power. This can be verified using following step:


    (7008-core) [mynode] #show ap debug system-status ap-name ap515 | begin "Power Status"
    Power Status
    Item                        Value
    ----                        -----
    Power Supply                : POE-AF
    LLDP Power                  : 0.0W
    Current Operational State   : USB disabled, eth1 disabled, All radios disabled 
    Eth0 HW POE status          : POE AF, LLDP power: 0.0W

    note the current operational state is "All radios disabled".


    To solve this, ensure the AP is connected to a switch that supports 802.3at power or better, or, if the switch does support 802.3at then ensure LLDP is enabled so as to communicate the power managemet TLVs to the AP. Here is the same output when the AP is connected to an 802.3at power source:

    (7008-core) [mynode] #show ap debug system-status ap-name ap515 | begin "Power Status"
    Power Status
    Item                        Value
    ----                        -----
    Power Supply                : POE-AT
    LLDP Power                  : Successfully negotiated at 25.0W
    Current Operational State   : USB port enabled 
    Eth0 HW POE status          : POE AT, LLDP power: 25.0W

    To workaround this you can enable "IPM" (intelligent power management) in the AP system profile, this will allow the AP to shut down various resources in order to guarantee that 802.3af power can run the AP. Please refer to the user guide for the full extent of IPM behaviour. Here is the same output once IPM has been enabled and the AP is still on the 802.3af power source:


    (7008-core) [mynode] #configure terminal ap system-profile default ipm-enable
    (7008-core) ^[mynode] #write mem
    (7008-core) [mynode] #show ap debug system-status ap-name ap515 | begin "Power Status"
    Power Status
    Item                        Value
    ----                        -----
    Power Supply                : POE-AF
    LLDP Power                  : 0.0W
    Current Operational State   : 2.4GHz radio: No restrictions, 5GHz radio: No restrictions 
    Eth0 HW POE status          : POE AF, LLDP power: 0.0W

    I'll post this as it's own topic in the forum too.







  • 8.  RE: 7220 Standalone Migration / 515 AP install

    Posted Jul 21, 2019 09:01 AM
    In order to resolve my issues we had to roll back to

    Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

  • 9.  RE: 7220 Standalone Migration / 515 AP install

    Posted Jul 18, 2019 12:51 PM

    You upgraded to which version of code?


    What is the DRT being used?

    - 1.0_71313

    What country are you in?

    - United States 

    How are the APs powered, what switch model, and is LLDP enabled?

    - Cisco 3850

    walsw00#show power inline gi2/0/2 detail
    Interface: Gi2/0/2
    Inline Power Mode: auto
    Operational status: on
    Device Detected: yes
    Device Type: Ieee PD
    IEEE Class: 4
    Discovery mechanism used/configured: Ieee and Cisco
    Police: off

    Power Allocated
    Admin Value: 60.0
    Power drawn from the source: 15.4
    Power available to the device: 15.4

    Actual consumption
    Measured at the port: 6.9
    Maximum Power drawn by the device since powered on: 8.8

    Absent Counter: 0
    Over Current Counter: 0
    Short Current Counter: 0
    Mosfet Counter: 0
    Invalid Signature Counter: 0
    Power Denied Counter: 0

    Power Negotiation Used: None
    LLDP Power Negotiation --Sent to PD-- --Rcvd from PD--
    Power Type: - -
    Power Source: - -
    Power Priority: - -
    Requested Power(W): - -
    Allocated Power(W): - -

    Four-Pair PoE Supported: Yes
    Spare Pair Power Enabled: No
    Four-Pair PD Architecture: N/A