Ricardo & Parnassus: let me apologize for the confusion.
Edition 8 of the Xcvr Guide does indeed have an error regarding the J8177D when used in the 8325 48Y8C model (JL624A or JL625A).
The correct max should be Qty 32 (corrected in upcoming Edition 9 - ETA by Sept 15) and as noted, only properly allowed in the top two rows -- due to the physical space those two rows provide (where using the RJ45 J8177D in the 2nd and 3rd rows would cause a 'fit' issue, and perhaps cause damage to the 3rd row SFP port).
As Parnassus mentioned, using the J8177D 1G xcvr in the 3rd row should have reported the use in the port as an Incompatible port... but alas, the current 10.05 software may not have caught that use case. (Future versions really should so please don't use the J8177D in the bottom row -- even if you can - I'd hate to have a SW upgrade cause you any problems).
The reference for maximum quantity of 12 only applies to the 10G RJ45 xcvr JL563A -- because of the higher wattage requirement for that 10GBASE-T xcvr.
We limited the use to max qty of 12 per 8325 switch (and to the 8320) so that there would be enough wattage to properly power other fiber xcvrs inserted in the remaining ports. BTW: the max qty 12 also required only used in the lower-port # for 12 and not in the 3rd row. Use in any port, e.g. Port 19, should indeed generated an "incompatible port" message.
The XCVR guide will be at this URL (today for edition 8, same URL for Edition 9)
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ps: Thanks Davide