Thank you for asking about the RAP wired users. Let me shed more light on the question:
A wired RAP user case is different than the wireless user in the sense that there is no ESSID and no roaming for such users. They are tied to the AP itself.
In the current clustering implementation, no ESSID (not even a dummy one) means no bucketmap. That leads us to conclude that there is no UAC or S-UAC.
Currently the wired RAP GRE tunnel terminates on the RAP AAC, and a standby wired GRE tunnel terminates on the S-AAC.
You can check those GRE tunnels by running the command:
show datapath tunnel table | inc <RAP_inner_ip>
here is an example:
On the AAC:
(MC2) #show datapath tunnel table | include 8110
24 47 8110 1300 153 0 0 85 0 0 20:4c:03:11:be:12 3 0 0 EePRY
On the S-AAC:
(MC1) #show datapath tunnel table | include 8110
16 47 8110 1300 153 0 0 85 0 0 20:4c:03:11:be:12 0 0 0 EePRHY
Note. The H flag indicates that this GRE tunnel is a standby.