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Access restriction on imc

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  • 1.  Access restriction on imc

    Posted Feb 01, 2017 08:54 AM


    i have to restric the access for particular team to few only particular device group in iMC, so i  have created a new device group and new operator group and provied the operateer group the access to the particular group only view access but now the user is not able to see the devices in the group but when i am trying to login via admin i can see the devices in it.

  • 2.  RE: Access restriction on imc

    Posted Feb 02, 2017 03:44 AM

    like if create a group called XYZ with 10 device in it the users should only have access to XYZ group and he should not be able to view the other backup sechdular or backup history report only the particular group and the auto sechdular group for the particular group rest should be hiden.