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  • 1.  Access to CX6000 SSH and GUI

    Posted Jan 11, 2024 01:23 PM


    I have a new CX6000 , who is connected to another switch like that : Untagged Vlan1 and Tagged for all others VLAN.

    The switch get and IP from the DHCP on the VLAN 1 :

    I manually setup an ip for the interface vlan 120 as

    I have my computer on the vlan 1 : for example : i can acess to the switch in SSH or via HTTP on the address but not with the

    I connected an equipement on the port 2 untagged in vlan 120 on this new switch and i can access it via HTTP or SSH so it's not a firewall problème

    When i do a show running-conf i have this configuration : 

    My goal is to have the acess via the interface in SSH and HTTP before removing the dhcp address on the vlan 1
    I can ping it from my PC on the interfce
    I really don't know what i have to change for allow ssh and http on the interface ?
    Thank you

  • 2.  RE: Access to CX6000 SSH and GUI

    Posted Jan 11, 2024 02:42 PM

    Can you check your routing table (show ip route)? I suspect you have multiple default routes, 1 from DHCP, 1 from your static configuration. 
    This will lead to routing issues. You may hit your switch with the SSH traffic to vlan120's adress but the return traffic may take the other route and be dropped somewhere in the network. 

    Just shutdown your vlan1 interface and see if you can reach the switch through vlan120. 

    Regards, Thomas

  • 3.  RE: Access to CX6000 SSH and GUI

    Posted Jan 12, 2024 03:33 AM


    It Works ! Thanks !!!

    I connected on ssh via vlan 1 interface 


    interface vlan 1

    no ip dhcp

    Now i can reach it by the vlan 120 interface.

    Thank you :) 
