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  • 1.  ACMA Study Material

    Posted Oct 12, 2016 02:49 AM



    I'm looking at studying for the ACMA exam.  I have found these two resources:


    - ACMA Study Group (

    - ACMA Exam Reference Guide (


    Both refer to "IAW 6.3 courseware" but I can't find any information regarding this, do anyone know where I can look at taking the course or find the courseware? On a side note shouldn't it now be 6.4?


    Both also refer to "VRDs" but I am unsure what they mean by this.  Where can I find the relevant VRDs for ACMA?


    Some of the videos on the 'ACMA Study Group' appear as private and it seems to contain a few links posts which look like they might be helpful.


    Is there any official study guide that I can use?  Or does Aruba have any clearer information around the exam?





  • 2.  RE: ACMA Study Material

    Posted Oct 12, 2016 12:05 PM

    The IAW courseware are the slides and labs used in the Implementing Aruba WLANs (IAW) training course.  VRDs are Validated Reference Design (VRD) guides. The Exam Reference Guide (ERG) is the official guide to study for the exam. The recommended track to prepare for the ACMA exam is to attend Aruba Instructor Led Training (ILT) for the IAW course.  

  • 3.  RE: ACMA Study Material

    Posted Oct 12, 2016 03:45 PM



    Thanks for getting back to me.


    I've found the ERG but where can I access the IAW, and relevant VRD?


    Also, where can I find out more information around ILT courses?

