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  • 1.  Air Monitors / Spectrum Monitors in hall ways?

    Posted Jun 13, 2018 11:56 AM

    I know it is usually not best practice to place APs in hallways due to line of sight/radio issues with APs being in line with each other, but does the same apply to Air Monitors / Spectrum Monitors?  We are a school with a fairly dense deployment (AP in every classroom) 2 floors.  I would like to start introducing some AM / SM devices in our configuration and was thinking a good place would be the hallways since I already have APs in the rooms.  What are your thoughts on this?  I did do some searching here, but did not find anything regarding this type of placement for AM / SM devices.




  • 2.  RE: Air Monitors / Spectrum Monitors in hall ways?

    Posted Jun 13, 2018 01:50 PM
    Hi Dan,

    Recommended placement is one AM on every fourth AP. Placing the AM/SM in line might give you data about the hallway and maybe less data about the classrooms. That said, Aruba AP's have good antenna's and still might pick up much data.
    If you are intending to use the AM to its full potential placement needs to be as close as possible to the areas where you expect the rogue AP's.

    Hope this helps you somewhat

  • 3.  RE: Air Monitors / Spectrum Monitors in hall ways?

    Posted Jun 14, 2018 08:26 AM

    Was there a reason for deploying a full AM/SM solution? With a fairly dense deployment, you could always just enabled background scanning. If you are looking at full fledged contianment, then an AM might be the better route. As for placing in the hallway, I don't see an issue with it. The Rx sensitivity on the APs is quite good and should pick up what's inside the rooms if there is a rogue. 


    However, as a quick baseline, you can just enable background Spectrum on the APs where needed.