Wireless Access

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  • 1.  AirGroups centralized - OpenFlow

    Posted Jul 28, 2020 05:23 AM

    Good morning,


    I'm trying to create an AirGroups configuration for our new 8.6 wireless environment.


    In basic, it's quite straight forward. We have:

    VLAN 2500, which contains all the AirPlay servers 

    VLAN 480, which contains all the wireless users who need access to the Airplay servers.


    We have two MM's in L2 redundant mode and two controllers in a cluster. 


    I did the prerequisites (configuring openflow, firewall, AMON), but I'm not sure if I understand it right, that's why I'm creating this post.


    1. The openflow-profile needs a controller-ip, can this be the VIP of the VRRP or does this need to be the node specific address? Because if this cant be the VIP address, doesn't this also mean that AirPlay stops working in centralized mode if the primary node is down?


    1.1 Same goes for the option mgmt-server primary-server profile. Can this be the VIP address?


    2. the openflow-profile bind-(vlan or user-role) is only needed for VLAN 480 and VLAN 2500? Or do you need to add all the vlans, even if they don't use Airgroups?


    As profile I've created the following:

    airgroupprofile "Branch-Office"
    service "default-airplay"
    disallow-vlan 2500 type users service ""
    disallow-vlan 480 type servers service ""
    disallow-role "logon" type servers service "default-airplay"
    disallow-role "logon" type users service "default-airplay"


    And this profile has been placed in centralized mode on the MD node who needs it. 





  • 2.  RE: AirGroups centralized - OpenFlow

    Posted Oct 01, 2020 07:21 AM



    Did you find answers to your questions? I am also wondering about using VIP or not.

  • 3.  RE: AirGroups centralized - OpenFlow

    Posted Oct 01, 2020 09:32 AM
      |   view attached

    You shouldn't have to modify anything having to do with Openflow.  The defaults should just work.  Please see the attached Airgroup Deployment Guide.
