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  • 1.  AirWave reporting capabilities

    Posted Feb 14, 2019 07:00 AM



    Few questions on AirWave's capabilities (using API/SNMP/Syslog...): 


    • can we pull AMP status through API
    • can we pull AMP configuration through API
    • can we push AMP configuration through API
    • how can we receive event notifications (API, SNMP, Syslog)
    • are APIs provided by individual AMPs only, or can they be centraly managed (i.e. HPNA)
    • do the API require a service account configured localy, or in AAA system


  • 2.  RE: AirWave reporting capabilities

    Posted Feb 14, 2019 11:55 AM
      |   view attached

    I have attached the API guide which have the various API which can be used with Airwave.
    You can also get the same document when you login to Airwave, Home --> documentation --> XML Api guide.



    api guide.pdf   112 KB 1 version

  • 3.  RE: AirWave reporting capabilities

    Posted Feb 14, 2019 12:04 PM
    Hi Vishnu, Thanks for replying. I have already seen the documents available on Documentation page, but they do not contain answers to my questions.

  • 4.  RE: AirWave reporting capabilities
    Best Answer

    Posted Feb 15, 2019 06:10 PM

    There's several syslog options from AMP Setup -> External Logging.

    You can configure AMP to send traps to an external NMS by setting up the NMS on AMP Setup -> NMS tab; and then creating System -> Triggers that have the external NMS set as a send alert destination.


    Currently, the APIs require you to pass valid credentials into the AirWave system, so it depends on if you're authenticating into AirWave using the local users db (AMP Setup -> Users/Roles); or if you're using remote authentications (AMP Setup -> Authentication).  This enforces that the data being fetched is the data that the user's role allows them to see.


    That said, for up/down device counts, you're looking at the amp_stats.xml.  If you get a response - that means the AMP is up.  Otherwise you're looking at getting the actual up/down state for an AMP from a Failover AMP's trigger/alert.  The APIs do not collect AMP configs or push AMP configs - that'd be a feature request.


    The question points you have are somewhat general, so having a better idea of your use case could help.  The APIs are specific to the data that the AMP contains, so unless you have Master Console or Glass in play - you'll have to collect individually from each AMP.

  • 5.  RE: AirWave reporting capabilities

    Posted Feb 23, 2019 02:05 PM

    Hi Rob,


    Thanks for very thorough reply, it answered all the questions I had. I am aware of the general nature of those regarding AMP itself, but they came down to us in that form from different team. I will need to have a look at the Glass due to growing number of AMPs. Thanks.