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  • 1.  Airwave Amp Restore error

    Posted Mar 23, 2017 04:10 PM

    So I ahve my system backup and running after upgrade issues and a reimage.  I went to restore my recent backup and it failed:


    # amp_restore -d /tmp/nightly_data001.tar.gz

    pigz: skipping: <stdin> is not compressed
    /bin/tar: var/airwave/rrd/system_bandwidth*: Not found in archive
    /bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
    No system bandwidth rrd found, assuming normal amp restore at /usr/local/airwave/bin/amp_restore line 71.
    [Thu Mar 23 12:27:26 MDT 2017] Verifying completeness of /tmp/nightly_data001.tar.gz ...
    pigz: skipping: <stdin> is not compressed
    [Thu Mar 23 12:27:26 MDT 2017] Error: no database backup found in /tmp/nightly_data001.tar.gz!


    I was poking around and I see var/airwave/rdd folder and files. so not sure why it has an issue with that.  Now my last known good backup was about 1GB in size. I have been able to unzip it and view contents using pea zip on my desktop so I not sure that it is corrupt.  What would happen if I just sftp all these files into the server?  I assume this would be the same as running the restore no? Of course, I would also assume I have to shut down amp before hand. 


    The reason I ask is the I have a mismatch in the airwave virtual controller configuration. I don't recall what we did in the past to fix this. But I believe it had to do with instant IAP firmware and template.  Our IAP 215 are all running the firmware.


    Also, why would it say no database found in the tar? How can I verify this?

  • 2.  RE: Airwave Amp Restore error

    Posted Mar 24, 2017 01:10 AM

    It looks nighlty backup got corrupted, remove this backup file from server and try upload the working backup file to the server and re-run the restore command


    #amp_enable -now


    #amp_restore -d /tmp/<backupfile name>


    We can not restore extract tar.gz file. Make sure the tar.gz file is intact and restore.


    We dont need to shutdown the server, if you are managing the IAP deivces from Airwave, restoring this backup file will push this backup configuraiton to your exisiting IAPs ,if you are using same old Airwave server IP on new server which you used to add IAPs to Airwave earlier.




    If my post address your query, give kudos:)

  • 3.  RE: Airwave Amp Restore error

    Posted Mar 24, 2017 05:45 PM

    Just noticed this known issue in the release notes for 8.2.3.


    DE24406 about nightly backups not being compressed properly when downloaded using chrome.  There in lies my issue with this backup as I used chrome to download the original file before reimaging the server.  But I finally managed to resolve my mismatches. I think the issue was our VC is in Monitor only mode. So I had to fetch the config from the VC but then I played with the time settings and had to get more involved.  Final resolution for my timezone mismatch required me to back up the config directly from the VC and then edit it then restore it to the VC then fetch and apply one more time.  

  • 4.  RE: Airwave Amp Restore error

    Posted Mar 31, 2017 10:34 AM

    Unfortunately, this did not work for me because my backups were not compressing correctly. I ended up manually resolving mismatches in my templates/configuration. 

  • 5.  RE: Airwave Amp Restore error

    Posted Mar 31, 2017 10:44 AM

    Ok, good to know that you are able to resolve configuraiotn mismatches manually.





    If my post address your query, give kudos:)