Doing an ssh login from the Airwave CLI works alright althought it did ask me (root user) to saved the RSA key as it is the first login for this user.
It's not a firewall problem because there's is none between them and the others controler are not affected. The configuration is pretty much identical between each controler the main difference being that the problematic controler is the master.
It's a pretty weird problem, because I can see that the Airwave can login to the controler and in the ssh/telnet command log I also see the Airwave login to the master controler and executing the flash backup command.
I took those lines from the Airwave ssh/telnet log :
Tue Apr 7 13:21:52 2015:
>> backup flash
previous cmd took 11.75206s
Tue Apr 7 13:22:00 2015:
>> exit
previous cmd took 6.51034s
<< Please wait while we tar relevant files from flash...
<< Please wait while we compress the tar file...
<< File flashbackup.tar.gz created successfully on flash.
<< Please copy it out of the switch and delete it when done.
<< (sw89211) #exit
Tue Apr 7 13:22:00 2015:
>> exit
This is the weird thing, the login is succesfull, the command is succesfull and the backup is created, but it seems like it's taking too long ! Is it possible that the command timeout is short enought that the script think its command timed out but actually it's still going on?
Thanks a lot for all your replies.