Controllerless Networks

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  • 1.  AirWave - Creating a device down trigger for access points

    Posted Sep 22, 2014 10:20 PM

    Can anyone provide some guidance on how to setup a trigger in AirWave?


    This would be for when an IAP goes down. I'd like to have it send an email once an hour until the IAP is back online.

    I've tried the "Help" option on the Trigger page but it does not make sense and is not detailed enough on how to accomplish the above.

    Thanks in advance

  • 2.  RE: AirWave - Creating a device down trigger for access points
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 23, 2014 02:08 AM

    You might need two triggers here.  One for the AP going down initially, and then another for every hour that it is down.


    Here is what you need for every hour.




  • 3.  RE: AirWave - Creating a device down trigger for access points

    Posted Sep 23, 2014 06:05 PM

    Thanks for the reply.


    So would I definately need two triggers for this to work?

  • 4.  RE: AirWave - Creating a device down trigger for access points

    Posted Sep 26, 2014 05:29 PM
    yes looks like it is the case.
    There is no other way currently.

    supress until acknowledged is the key here, if set to know then it will continue to send emails if the device is down, once it comes up you either need to acknowledge the alert or use the auto-acknowledge option.

  • 5.  RE: AirWave - Creating a device down trigger for access points

    Posted Oct 02, 2014 09:24 PM

    What does these options mean?


     “Send Alerts when Upstream Device is Down”  

    “Send Alerts for Thin APs when Controller is Down”


    If I setup the Trigger as per your screenshot, but I do not set the 60 minutes condition and I do not select the "supress until acknowledged" option, how often would an email be sent for an IAP that is down?

  • 6.  RE: AirWave - Creating a device down trigger for access points

    Posted Oct 03, 2014 08:32 AM

    At the next polling period it would send an email

  • 7.  RE: AirWave - Creating a device down trigger for access points

    Posted Oct 16, 2017 02:32 PM

    How about an alert.. once the AP is back on-line. 

    Once one acknowledges the alert and puts the AP in 'planned downtime' mode.  


    Is there a way to have the AP alert, once it is back on-line ?

  • 8.  RE: AirWave - Creating a device down trigger for access points

    Posted Oct 16, 2017 02:54 PM
    There is an AP up trigger in airwave