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Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

This thread has been viewed 19 times
  • 1.  Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 21, 2018 08:32 AM

    Hi, I did a clean installation of the AMP from ISO to VM and configured the connection with the controller. But It looks like AMP doesn't receive or controller doesn't send any AMON data. Controller and AMP are in the one VLAN and can ping each other. AMP pools controller via SNMP and collects APs and users statistics. But AppRF, Clarity, etc. is blank.

    Following is my setup:

    (aruba1) #show mgmt-servers                   
    List of Management Servers
    Type     Primary Server  Profile
    ----     --------------  -------
    AirWave   default-amp
    Num Rows:1
    (aruba1) #show mgmt-server profile default-amp
    Mgmt Config profile "default-amp" (Predefined (editable))
    Parameter          Value
    ---------          -----
    Stats              Enabled
    Tag                Enabled
    Sessions           Enabled
    Monitored Info     Disabled
    Misc               Enabled
    Location           Enabled
    UCC Monitoring     Disabled
    AirGroup Info      Disabled
    Inline DHCP stats  Enabled
    Inline AP stats    Enabled
    Inline Auth stats  Enabled
    Inline DNS stats   Enabled

    but wms doesn't send any messages

    (aruba1) #show mgmt-server message-counters process wms
    Message Counter History
    Message Number  Time  Packets
    --------------  ----  -------

    In AMP - Setup - Performance graphs named AMON Message Processing Rate and AMON Packet Arrival / Processing Rate show zero receive/process rate for AMON packets.

    Can anybody hint me what is wrong with my setup and where are AMON messages lost?


    Thanks. Martin

  • 2.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 21, 2018 08:43 AM

    Might be asking the obvious but have you enabled AMON?


    AMP Setup> General > Additional AMP Options 
    enable amon data collection
    prefer amon vs snmp

    Are the WLC's credentials correct, do you see them as showing as OK?

    On occasion I have had to restart the AMP Services on 8.2.6 as the AMON Packet Process was also showing 0. 


    From the System > Status page > Restart AMP Services

  • 3.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 21, 2018 08:51 AM


    "Enable AMON data collection" is enabled. If I enable "Prefer AMON vs. SNMP" option, I also lost data about connected clients, because they are collected via SNMP at this moment, and AMON doesn't work.


    I reentered WLC credentials and reload services. Will see.


  • 4.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 21, 2018 08:56 AM
    Sure, just check your SNMP queue isn't full either. I had an issue once
    where there was 2x redundant SNMP servers configured which caused the queue
    to fill up and traps be dropped.

    (Aruba620) #show snmp inform stats

    Inform queue size is 250

    ---- ---- --------------- -------- -------------

  • 5.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 21, 2018 09:04 AM

    Setting "Prefer AMON" in Airwave should not be part of a troubleshooting step, because it does not affect if AMON is received.

    AMON is not sent over SNMP, so the SNMP queues are not involved.

    Please see the article here: about what you should have configured.  It seems that you do not have monitored info enabled in your AMON profile and that could be critical.

  • 6.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 21, 2018 10:09 AM

    My SNMP queue is empty as well. I followed linked document. Default AMP profile should be enough? There is no firewall between AMP and WLC.

    Now I noticed that System - Status pages show that PAPI Message Handler is in downstate. I reloaded AMP processes and restarted VM, but still:

    PAPI Message Handler     Down     /var/log/papi_handler

  • 7.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 21, 2018 11:17 AM

    What's the error in the papi_handler log?  Anything in the amon_aggregator log as well?  The service being down is of concern since the papi_handler is where the AMON msgs first get processed.  A support case should be opened to dig into this further.

  • 8.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 21, 2018 05:35 PM

    papi_handler log just repeats:

    2018-05-21 23:28:38.808 INFO [main] - CONF_PATH /usr/local/airwave/lib/scala/papi_handler.conf
    2018-05-21 23:28:53.501 INFO [main] - CONF_PATH /usr/local/airwave/lib/scala/papi_handler.conf

    and also nothing is interesting in the amon_aggregator log

    Mon May 21 15:52:42 2018: Started (PID: 29140)
    Mon May 21 15:52:42 2018: Postgres PID: 29141
    Mon May 21 16:26:09 2018: Started (PID: 2042)
    Mon May 21 16:26:09 2018: Postgres PID: 2043

    Is there any way how to debug processes in CLI? I'm skilled Linux admin, but access to the generic console is limited in AMP 8.2.


  • 9.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 21, 2018 05:46 PM

    System - Event log is full of:


    Mon May 21 23:41:22 2018 	System 	System 	Restarting service PAPI Message Handler 				
    Mon May 21 23:41:07 2018 	System 	System 	Restarting service PAPI Message Handler

    It repeats every 15 seconds. Something must be wrong with PAPI collector daemon.

  • 10.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 22, 2018 08:20 AM



    papi_hanlder is the daemon which hanldes AMONAggregator and PEFProcessor Daemons which hanldes client montiorng /PEF aggregate session data.


    We generally see papi restart, if we have system perfromance issue. can you check the system>performance page and see whether server have sufficent CPU/RAM memory.


    Check service_watcher/message log in /var/log directory for any memory limit errors and also papi_hanlder log for erros..



  • 11.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 22, 2018 11:24 AM

    I suggest a support case since additional logging needs to be enabled, and only support has backdoor access beyond the limited AMPCLI menu.

  • 12.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data
    Best Answer

    Posted May 22, 2018 04:27 PM

    Hi, I thank all of you for your hints. Luckily I discovered the cause of this issue. I found an older thread here in forums mentioning problems with AMP processes related to AMP hostname resolving in DNS and hostname binding to the TLS certificate.

    My deployment of the AMP is in private management VLAN using, and there is no DNS resolver service. I installed AMP with its private address in CN field of TLS certificate. I changed hostname which means subsequent regeneration of cert three times (-> amp -> airwave -> airwave.local). I saw PAPI collector running after the third change of hostname.

    So my conclusion is that something related to the hostname and its resolvability makes PAPI collector for failing during startup.


  • 13.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 22, 2018 04:41 PM

    Thanks for that update.  That's a helpful scenario to know.

  • 14.  RE: Airwave doesn't receive AMON WMS data

    Posted May 22, 2018 04:58 PM

    Hopefully, it will help others.