Network Management

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  • 1.  Airwave report unique client definition and time fram

    Posted Nov 10, 2017 07:24 AM

    I currenty generated a report, and it show unique client in the report, and I knew that unique client means "The unique clients count is the total number of unique MAC addresses seen on that network during the given timeframe for the report."

    But I didn't understand the methodolegy of how to count the unique MAC address, let say, if 10 people join the network in April and May, then we generate report of May, would it count 10 unique MAC address in May's report?

  • 2.  RE: Airwave report unique client definition and time fram

    Posted Nov 15, 2017 03:58 PM

    This sounds like a word problem!


    So if Train A has 10 people on April 5th.  A report run for April 1 - May 1 would be expected to have at least 10 unique clients.


    The unique client count is a count of all unique MAC addresses that were on the network during the time period of the reporting window.


    Keep in mind that MAC addresses are usually unique between devices.  So if 10 people had used the same library computer, it would only register as 1 unique client.

  • 3.  RE: Airwave report unique client definition and time fram

    Posted Dec 06, 2017 04:02 PM

    Is there a way to query the "Unique client count" through the API? or any other method?, I need to pull this information for 10 different Virtual Controllers, thanks a lot in advance. 

  • 4.  RE: Airwave report unique client definition and time fram

    Posted Dec 06, 2017 04:58 PM

    You can either create / run the report individually against each VC (using separate report definitions), or bulk select the VCs and create / run a report against the specific VCs.  Once you've run the report, you can leverage the 'Latest Report' API (check it out under Documentation -> State / Statistical Stat API -> Report API.  The API only pulls data from the last report run of that report type which is why i specified separate report definitions if you run the report individually on each VC.

  • 5.  RE: Airwave report unique client definition and time fram

    Posted Dec 07, 2017 08:16 AM

    At this point we run monthly reports for each VC, I will check the "Last Report" API to pull the field that I need (In our case the Unique device count) for each VC and create a csv file, using this API will pull the "Unique Device Count" from multiple reports or just one report? Do you have any example script that I could use? Thanks a lot in advance.

  • 6.  RE: Airwave report unique client definition and time fram

    Posted Dec 07, 2017 10:19 AM

    Hi ,


    Report API pull the newly generated report in XML format for each definitation. If you have created sepearte definitoin for each VC then you have to run sepearte API call based on definitation id.


    sample syntax Report API


    https://<AMP ip>/latest_report.xml?id=17


    here id will be your definition id, you can get it from the URL of a Report Definition Edit Page, ex. https://<AMP IP>/reports_definition?definitions_edit=1&id=17


    Note: Run report before executing API call.


