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AirWave Restore From Backup

This thread has been viewed 24 times
  • 1.  AirWave Restore From Backup

    Posted Sep 30, 2016 10:35 AM

    Trying to restore from a backup and having some issues with the amp_restore script. 


    Copied the nightly_backup001.tar.gz file to new server in tmp directory, logged in as root and typed "scripts" to get to the scripts prompt. Then I ran the following command:

    ./amp_restore -d /tmp/nightly_data001.tar.gz.


    Then we get the error:

    bash:./amp_restore:no such file or directory


    Any idea why it wouldn't be able to find that script? 

  • 2.  RE: AirWave Restore From Backup

    Posted Sep 30, 2016 11:20 AM

    We identified that the end-user had created custom logins for the CLI and we were being put in a different home directory, we backed out to the top level using 'cd ..' and tne worked our way back to the original location using 'cd ~', 'cd svn', 'cd mercury' and 'scripts'.


    We are now trying to run the amp_restore and getting error stating:


    gzip: stdin: not in gzip format

    /bin/tar: Child returned status 1

    /bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: existing now

    No system bandwidth rrd found, assuming normal amp restore at ./amp_restore line 70.

    Verifying completeness of /tmp/night_data001.tar.gz...


    We tried running 'root; make' to build the rrd file, but didn't work because we are running RHEL and not CentOS. 


    Any ideas?

  • 3.  RE: AirWave Restore From Backup

    Posted Sep 30, 2016 01:07 PM



    You have too many variables...

  • 4.  RE: AirWave Restore From Backup

    Posted Sep 30, 2016 01:09 PM

    We have opened a case and will update once we have a resolution or cause.



  • 5.  RE: AirWave Restore From Backup
    Best Answer

    Posted Oct 07, 2016 08:30 PM
    Turns out the nightly backup we downloaded was corrupted or did not contain all required files. Did manual backup and had no issues.

    Restore is now complete. Also I think manual
    backup is recommended.

  • 6.  RE: AirWave Restore From Backup

    Posted Jul 27, 2017 12:03 AM

    Hi all


    Please, when the manual backup was done and the restore later, no data was lost? not lost graphics in the monitoring of APs, clients, SSIDs, etc., the configurations were kept intact?


    Thank you


  • 7.  RE: AirWave Restore From Backup

    Posted Jul 27, 2017 06:51 AM

    Hi David,

    Yes, even the manual backup will have all the data which you usually have in the nightly backup.

    Like the config, group details, historical retention, graphs, reports,visualrf etc.


  • 8.  RE: AirWave Restore From Backup

    Posted Jul 27, 2017 11:09 AM

    Hi Vishnu


    Thanks for your help, I´ll try and i´ll tell you any news




  • 9.  RE: AirWave Restore From Backup

    Posted Jul 27, 2017 07:31 PM
      |   view attached

    Hi Vishnu


    I see the same error in the restore, but I´m restoring in an AMP virtualized.


    Apparently, the AMP restore was succesfull but with this errors:

    /bin/tar: var/airwave/snapshot: Not found in archive
    /bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors


    I can´t see the data in real time, attached the picture (no data). Is this a normal behavior?


    Should I have the data before of the restore or before of the change box?




  • 10.  RE: AirWave Restore From Backup

    Posted Sep 02, 2019 09:23 AM



    If all the firmware upgrades jobs are deleted in airwave. Can this restore of backup will backup the jobs too. My backup size is quite big, approx 10 gb, can I individually restore just the firmware upgrade jobs.



  • 11.  RE: AirWave Restore From Backup

    Posted Sep 03, 2019 11:50 AM

    Nightly backup on AirWave starts at 4:15 AM daily (unless changed) and finishes based on the data to be claned and backed up. If the jobs are deleted on the AirWave server post the backup is created, the recent backup will have these jobs. If a nightly backup ran after the deletion of jobs, then the backup will not have the jobs. There is no option to just backup the jobs created on the AirWave.


    IMHO F/w upgrade jobs are very small in size so it doesnt increase the backup size size a lot. There should be other historical data thats causing the backup to be 10G.