We identified that the end-user had created custom logins for the CLI and we were being put in a different home directory, we backed out to the top level using 'cd ..' and tne worked our way back to the original location using 'cd ~', 'cd svn', 'cd mercury' and 'scripts'.
We are now trying to run the amp_restore and getting error stating:
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
/bin/tar: Child returned status 1
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: existing now
No system bandwidth rrd found, assuming normal amp restore at ./amp_restore line 70.
Verifying completeness of /tmp/night_data001.tar.gz...
We tried running 'root; make' to build the rrd file, but didn't work because we are running RHEL and not CentOS.
Any ideas?