Location Services

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  • 1.  ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 04, 2017 04:50 AM

    Is there any reason why an ALE (running in estimated mode with Airwave) has the graph on the monitoring page showing the number of UNASSOCIATED CLIENTS at zero but the ASSOCIATED CLIENT is showing an expected number??


    I have two ALE servers with two local controllers connected to each, both ALE are importing maps from the same Airwave but one of the ALE servers refuses to show any activity on the UNASSOCIATED USERS graph, whilst the other one does.


    ALE is version


  • 2.  RE: ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 04, 2017 05:08 AM



    Could you please share the screen shots from both the ALE servers?




  • 3.  RE: ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 04, 2017 05:22 AM
    Apart from the monitoring page. Is there any other page or logs??

  • 4.  RE: ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 04, 2017 05:45 AM

    Screen Shot 2017-05-04 at 10.41.14.pngScreen Shot 2017-05-04 at 10.41.55.png

  • 5.  RE: ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 04, 2017 09:31 AM

    Hi Mike,


    Are you able to generate PDB file on the ALE server which is not displaying unassociated clients information in dashlet from maintainence tab?


    If PDB generation is deferred or fails, ALE cannot calculate device location. Campus, Building, Floor, Location, and Geo_Fence APIs are not published, and the unassociated clients dashlet may not show any data.


    Have you enabled RTLS option on this server ,if YES try disable and generated PDB.





  • 6.  RE: ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 04, 2017 10:07 AM
    I regenerated the PDB this morning and it completed successfully.
    I am getting plenty of location events from that server but that graph never displays it yet on the other ALE it is. The only difference between the servers are the controllers that are talking to it. Could it be something on the controllers??

  • 7.  RE: ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 04, 2017 10:08 AM
    I should also add I can see presence events
    In the feed reader that has the client status as I UNASSOCIATED but the graph never shows them.

  • 8.  RE: ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 04, 2017 01:01 PM

    In location/persistance log are you seeing client association status as true or false?




  • 9.  RE: ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 04, 2017 02:53 PM

    We could also use Location API/ Presence API and see in output whether we are seeing the association status as false for any client.


    False status means client is unassociated.


    Presence API queries use the following URL syntax:
    https://<IP address>/api/v1/presence


    Location API queries use the following URL syntax:
    https://<IP address>/api/v1/location?sta_eth_mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF


    If we have unassociated clients but still not showing graphs try restart the location engine and check the status.


    Does anonymization is enabled on this server, if Yes try disable it and check once.


    We have bug in older version where when we enable anonymization unassoicated client count graph showing incorrect, it is fixed in latest code


    Bug 49413 Symptom: The unassociated client count increased continuously when anonymization was enabled, as ALE failed to clear old client records from the database.Scenario: This occurred in ALE and earlier.




  • 10.  RE: ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 05, 2017 03:56 AM

    Hi Pavan


    I have noticed the clock is way out. What is the command line format to set the clock (I will need to get a change control raise to allow ntp going forward)




  • 11.  RE: ALE and unassociated clients

    Posted May 05, 2017 05:09 AM



    # date

    Change the date, time as follows:

    # date MMDDhhmmCCYY

    For example, to set the clock to November 12, 2017 3:42PM:

    # date 111215422017


    If you want to change timezone follow below steps


    There are a bunch of files stored by region in the following directory:



    We can check this and find the one which matches our region. Then we have to create a symbolic link from /etc/localtime


    For Example if our timezone region is Amsterdam, we can follow the below steps to update the timezone,

    # rm -f localtime

    # ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam /etc/localtime

    # /etc/init.d/ale-jwebapp restart


    To check the time we can use the below command,

    # date


