ALE builds a Positioning DataBase (PDB) based on AP placement and AP-AP RSSI information received from the WLAN, when ALE is deployed in Estimation mode. In single AP we dont have AP-AP RSSI info.
Check below steps to troubleshoot PDB issue aswell.
Check 1: Are there any communication issues between ALE and the controller?
Try performing a Telnet connection to the controller on port 4343 (the port that ALE uses to communicated with the
If you see this:
[root@ale ~]# telnet 4343
telnet: connect to address No route to host
Or this:
[root@ale ~]# telnet 4343
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
The above outputs indicate that ALE cannot communicate with the controller either due to a routing issue, or there is a firewall on the network that is blocking connections to the controller. Check for end-to-end network connectivity and also the firewall settings in your network to make sure the controller is reachable.
You can also use a port scanning utility such as Nmap to further investigate firewall issues. Nmap is not installed on ALE by default.
Here's an example of a successful port scan:
[root@ale ~]# nmap -p 4343
Starting Nmap 5.51 ( ) at 2016-01-28 21:47 UTC
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00039s latency).
4343/tcp open unicall
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.11 seconds
Check 2: You may also encounter this error when you have APs placed on VisualRF in AirWave as "planned" APs and not "deployed" APs.
The following error will be observed in the ale-jwebapp log (/opt/ale/ale-jwebapp/logs/ale-jwebapp.log) that indicates the placement of planned APs in AirWave:
ERROR com.aruba.ale.derby.db.Airwave - Error inserting accesspoint in DB. Message:A
truncation error was encountered trying to shrink VARCHAR AP12_THE_RESERVE_RECEPCION_ VILLAS_52-53_RACK52' to length 36
To resolve this issue, ensure that all APs are placed on VisualRF as deployed APs.
Check 3: You can also look at the ale-jwebapp logs to investigate any other issues that caused the PDB generation to fail.
Note: If you havent added MM to ALE try add MM along with MDs to ALE server.