Location Services

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  • 1.  ALE - Regenerating the positioning Database Failed

    Posted Jan 19, 2020 03:08 PM
      |   view attached

    Hi all,


    Iam new to ALE and like to known more about this, so i start install ALE todo some tests with it. After installation and configuration the communication with Airwave is fine it load my floorplan from airwave, but the communication with my ArubaOS8 controllers are failing and dont give any feed. I read the guides, search on the community, google, youtube abc-networking but after 4 hours troubleshooting i give up. It seems like simple but it isnt working our i missed somthing crucial. Also al lot documentation is based on 6.x.


    • INFO c.a.ale.security.BaseAuthProvider - Authentication failed: password does not match stored value

    • ERROR c.a.a.s.AuthFailureEventListener - Login failed admin

    • DEBUG com.aruba.ale.util.PDBScanner - NoScan PDB dir /opt/ale/ale-jwebapp/webapp/download/noscan doesn't exist

    • ERROR c.a.ale.noscan.NoScanPDBGenerator - PDB generation failed with code: 1

    See the attachment for my configuration of ArubaOS8, ALE configuration and logging.


    Hopefully somebody can help me out here ;).


  • 2.  RE: ALE - Regenerating the positioning Database Failed

    Posted Jan 19, 2020 06:45 PM

    Some extra info, the authentication error is solved but i still stuck at this part.


    DEBUG com.aruba.ale.util.PDBScanner - NoScan PDB dir /opt/ale/ale-jwebapp/webapp/download/noscan doesn't exist


    What does mean "require stagging" cant find out how and wehre to do that.


  • 3.  RE: ALE - Regenerating the positioning Database Failed

    Posted Jan 20, 2020 05:20 AM

    I see RTLS option is enabled in AOS controller but not in ALE server try enable and also see only one AP is assoicated to controllers.


    For testing atleast we need three to four APs and make sure AP is been provisioned on VisualRF.


  • 4.  RE: ALE - Regenerating the positioning Database Failed

    Posted Jan 20, 2020 03:26 PM

    Hi Pavan,


    Thanks for your time to investigate my issue.


    When i enable RTLS on the Sytem AP Profile and in ALE (port and pre-sharedkey) there are no feeds in coming in the ALE. I disable this on both ends because AMON can send this as well (read that in the manual).


    At the moment there is one AP in the VisualRF provisioned (i add later two more but i have to pickup from the office next week).


    But with one AP i can still generate the positioning database, right?

    (what is not enough to position clients offcourse). 


    This is what i see now in ALE and VisualRF, but still not able todo a GPD.




  • 5.  RE: ALE - Regenerating the positioning Database Failed

    Posted Jan 21, 2020 03:51 AM

    ALE builds a Positioning DataBase (PDB) based on  AP placement and AP-AP RSSI information received from the WLAN, when ALE is deployed in Estimation mode. In single AP we dont have AP-AP RSSI info.


    Check below steps to troubleshoot PDB issue aswell.


    Check 1: Are there any communication issues between ALE and the controller?

    Try performing a Telnet connection to the controller on port 4343 (the port that ALE uses to communicated with the

    If you see this:
    [root@ale ~]# telnet 4343
    telnet: connect to address No route to host

    Or this:
    [root@ale ~]# telnet 4343
    telnet: connect to address Connection refused


    The above outputs indicate that ALE cannot communicate with the controller either due to a routing issue, or there is a firewall on the network that is blocking connections to the controller. Check for end-to-end network connectivity and also the firewall settings in your network to make sure the controller is reachable.


    You can also use a port scanning utility such as Nmap to further investigate firewall issues. Nmap is not installed on ALE by default.


    Here's an example of a successful port scan:

    [root@ale ~]# nmap -p 4343
    Starting Nmap 5.51 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2016-01-28 21:47 UTC
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.00039s latency).
    4343/tcp open unicall
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.11 seconds


    Check 2: You may also encounter this error when you have APs placed on VisualRF in AirWave as "planned" APs and not "deployed" APs.


    The following error will be observed in the ale-jwebapp log (/opt/ale/ale-jwebapp/logs/ale-jwebapp.log) that indicates the placement of planned APs in AirWave:
    ERROR com.aruba.ale.derby.db.Airwave - Error inserting accesspoint in DB. Message:A
    truncation error was encountered trying to shrink VARCHAR   AP12_THE_RESERVE_RECEPCION_ VILLAS_52-53_RACK52' to length 36


    To resolve this issue, ensure that all APs are placed on VisualRF as deployed APs.


    Check 3: You can also look at the ale-jwebapp logs to investigate any other issues that caused the PDB generation to fail.


    Note: If you havent added MM to ALE try add MM along with MDs to ALE server.

  • 6.  RE: ALE - Regenerating the positioning Database Failed
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 21, 2020 04:21 AM

    Also on Controller we need to make sure "AP Neighbors Message" and "Station RSSI Message" is enabled.

    We can verify that in the IDS general profile using the below command.

    #show ids general-profile default

  • 7.  RE: ALE - Regenerating the positioning Database Failed

    Posted Jan 21, 2020 02:46 PM

    Hi Pavan,


    Thanks for your help, much appreciated!


    1. The NVMe disk in my Intel NUC runs out of space, oops i will fixed that.
    2. Telnet command isnt available any more on ALE linux CLI but can connect the MD controllers from my laptop in the same VLAN, i dont have doubt about the controller<>ale connectivity.
    3. In the IDS general profile RSSI was disabled, i enabled it now on both MD controllers.
    4. I enable RSSI again in the System AP Profile and ALE, RSSI feed comes in now.
    5. One AP is provisioned in VisualRF as you can see in the image, i will add two more when airwave is on the bigger disks.
    6. I have some older AP-105 add to the controllers so now i have 3 APs.

    Now i have to wait until my airwave server is cloned to another iSCSI datastore on my NAS, so i have some more diskspace :)


    Keep you updated my findings...


  • 8.  RE: ALE - Regenerating the positioning Database Failed

    Posted Jan 21, 2020 06:17 PM

    Hi Pavan,


    -EDIT- Everything is working now, leave this post visible for reference. Thanks for your help!


    1. Airwave storage is fine now
    2. APs are placed
    3. GPD succeed
    4. AP-Sytem profile/ALE config -  RSSI enabled
    5. Getting RSSI feeds from RSSI

    /opt/ale/bin/feed-reader -e tcp://localhost:7777

    seq: 74
    timestamp: 1579606458
    op: OP_UPDATE
    topic_seq: 74
    sta_rssi {
    sta_eth_mac {
    addr: 20:4c:03:61:f2:93
    radio_mac {
    addr: 00:24:6c:35:1e:58
    rssi_val: 51
    associated: true
    age: 1
    noise_floor: 93
    assoc_bssid {
    addr: 00:24:6c:35:1e:5c


    [root@ale ~]# /opt/ale/bin/feed-reader -f location
    Attempting to 'connect' to endpoint: tcp://localhost:7779
    Connected to endpoint: tcp://localhost:7779
    Subscribed to topic: "location"
    [1] Recv event with topic "location/44:85:00:8a:37:93"
    seq: 12050
    timestamp: 1579607157
    op: OP_UPDATE
    topic_seq: 3
    source_id: 000C29EE99F4
    location {
    sta_eth_mac {
    addr: 44:85:00:8a:37:93
    sta_location_x: 7.8762497901916504
    sta_location_y: 3.4131500720977783
    error_level: 30
    associated: true
    campus_id: D838A89464D63C20ADCD7706863F866B
    building_id: BAAEEDEB248A36F397BF6BAD6909E077
    floor_id: 99608ED473393D2CB83EF19316412E19
    hashed_sta_eth_mac: 2E513A0A53151531927EE8C824177A6A8A787309
    loc_algorithm: ALGORITHM_ESTIMATION
    unit: METERS
    target_type: TARGET_TYPE_STATION
    err_code: ERROR_CODE_NO_ERROR
    records {
    timestamp: 1579607157
    radio_mac {
    addr: 00:24:6c:35:1e:58
    rssi_val: -48
    channel: 104

  • 9.  RE: ALE - Regenerating the positioning Database Failed

    Posted Feb 05, 2020 10:13 AM

    Hi Marcel,


    Can you please share also how you fixed the issue with the authentication?


    INFO c.a.ale.security.BaseAuthProvider - Authentication failed: password does not match stored value

    ERROR c.a.a.s.AuthFailureEventListener - Login failed admin


    Thanks in advance,



  • 10.  RE: ALE - Regenerating the positioning Database Failed

    Posted Sep 04, 2020 10:27 PM

    I would also like to know the authentication fix.