Let's discuss with our supplier, would you please help to share the advise about value define to match with software & diagram plots assignment for our service supporting.
Model requirement :- AP-103H, AP-205H and AP-3200 series
Ring Count This value alters the number of concentric circles displayed in the field diagram. Count the number of rings in the product Antenna pattern diagram and enter the number here (include the outer-most ring)
0 dB Ring # Using the product Antenna pattern diagram, count the number of rings from the center to the 0 dB ring and enter the value here.
dB Interval Using the product Antenna diagram, determine the dB interval between each ring and enter the value here. For example, if there is a 5 dB interval between each ring, the value to enter here is 5.
0 Ring dB Using the product Antenna diagram, if the graph reaches the peak gain at any point, enter 0. If the graph does not exceed zero, enter the Gain value.