Good day!
AOS-CX VOIP Deployment simple steps!
Prior condition or prerequisite (not mandatory):
- Good know Power over Ethernet (PoE), LLDP, CDP, VLANs.
- Good know about Voice VLAN and it's Significance.
- Good know Local User Roles, Downloadable User Roles.

- Check CX operating system version
- Verify Connectivity Check
- show lldp neighbor-info or show CDP neighbor-info
- Before starting VOIP deployment, verify voice vlan assignment.
BLDG01-F1(config)# vlan 10
BLDG01-F1(config-vlan-10)# voice
BLDG01-F1# show lldp neighbor-info 2/1/3
Note: Enabling Voice on Vlan context is must for CX VOIP deployment.
Flow of SIMPLE CX VOIP Deployment:
- Use Case 1: With Local authentication using local mac match, device-profile
- Use Case 2: With Remote AAA authentication using radius-attribute
- Use Case 3: With Remote AAA authentication using Local User Role
- Use Case 4: With Remote AAA authentication using Downloadable User Role (due to character limits 30,000...added details in attached document)
Use Case 1: With Local authentication using local mac match, device-profile
Step1:Configure local mac match and device profile as below.
BLDG01-F1# show running-config mac-group
mac-group localmacauth
seq 10 match mac 00:04:f2:80:23:57
BLDG01-F1# show running-config port-access
port-access role localmacauthrole
mtu 1600
reauth-period 5
port-access device-profile localauthdp
associate role localmacauthrole
associate mac-group localmacauth
Step2: Enable authentication on interface connected to Phone.
interface 2/1/3
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed 10
spanning-tree port-type admin-edge
aaa authentication port-access allow-cdp-bpdu
aaa authentication port-access allow-lldp-bpdu
aaa authentication port-access client-limit 2
port-access security violation action shutdown
aaa authentication port-access dot1x authenticator
max-eapol-requests 3
max-retries 1
aaa authentication port-access mac-auth
cached-reauth-period 86400
quiet-period 30
BLDG01-F1# show port-access clients
Port Access Clients
Port MAC Address Onboarded Status Role
2/1/3 00:04:f2:80:23:57 device-profile Success localmacauthrole
BLDG01-F1# sh port-access clients detail
Port Access Client Status Details:
Client 00:04:f2:80:23:57
Session Details
Port : 2/1/3
Session Time : 558s
IPv4 Address :
IPv6 Address :
Authentication Details
Status : Authenticated
Auth Precedence : dot1x - Authenticating, mac-auth - Unauthenticated
Authorization Details
Role : localmacauthrole
Status : Applied
Role Information:
Name : localmacauthrole
Type : local
Reauthentication Period : 5 secs
Authentication Mode :
Session Timeout :
Client Inactivity Timeout :
Description :
Gateway Zone :
UBT Gateway Role :
Access VLAN :
Native VLAN :
Allowed Trunk VLANs :
Access VLAN Name :
Native VLAN Name :
Allowed Trunk VLAN Names :
MTU : 1600
QOS Trust Mode :
STP Administrative Edge Port :
PoE Priority :
Captive Portal Profile :
Policy :
Note: Authentication default order on AOS-CX is dot1x, mac-auth and then local mac match device-profile. You can always change the order of authentication.
Use case 2: authenticate phone using AAA radius server.
Step1: Make sure radius connectivity to switch is proper
BLDG01-F1# show radius-server detail
******* Global RADIUS Configuration *******
Shared-Secret: None
Timeout: 5
Auth-Type: pap
Retries: 1
TLS Timeout: 5
Tracking Time Interval (seconds): 60
Tracking Retries: 3
Tracking User-name: radius-tracking-user
Tracking Password: None
Number of Servers: 1
****** RADIUS Server Information ******
Server-Name :
Auth-Port : 1812
Accounting-Port : 1813
VRF : mgmt
TLS Enabled : No
Shared-Secret : AQBapdAz4irjSK61Zg/CFArsNYWKbn1LObqDD/v9SH1eMQ6ABQAAADY26liu
Timeout (default) : 5
Retries : 5
Auth-Type (default) : pap
Server-Group (default) : radius
Default-Priority : 1
Tracking : enabled
Tracking-Mode : any
Reachability-Status : reachable
ClearPass-Username : admin
ClearPass-Password : AQBapYv/u3/YfG9vYRpFxmOTtsFLIWxuAX442RdG9j11jsZ6CQAAACZ5Y2/BK9FmhQ==
Note: In this demonstration I am using clearpass as Radius-server, you can use any other radius-server such Cisco ISE or free radius.
Step2: Enable authentication on the interface.
BLDG01-F1# show running-config interface 2/1/3
interface 2/1/3
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed 10
spanning-tree port-type admin-edge
aaa authentication port-access allow-cdp-bpdu
aaa authentication port-access allow-lldp-bpdu
aaa authentication port-access client-limit 2
port-access security violation action shutdown
aaa authentication port-access dot1x authenticator
max-eapol-requests 3
max-retries 1
aaa authentication port-access mac-auth
cached-reauth-period 86400
quiet-period 30
BLDG01-F1# show port-access clients detail
Port Access Client Status Details:
Client 00:04:f2:80:23:57, 0004f2802357
Session Details
Port : 2/1/3
Session Time : 75s
IPv4 Address :
IPv6 Address :
Authentication Details
Status : mac-auth Authenticated
Auth Precedence : dot1x - Unauthenticated, mac-auth - Authenticated
Authorization Details
Role : RADIUS_773420618
Status : Applied
Role Information:
Name : RADIUS_773420618
Type : radius
Reauthentication Period :
Authentication Mode :
Session Timeout :
Client Inactivity Timeout :
Description :
Gateway Zone :
UBT Gateway Role :
Access VLAN :
Native VLAN :
Allowed Trunk VLANs :
Access VLAN Name :
Native VLAN Name :
Allowed Trunk VLAN Names :
QOS Trust Mode :
STP Administrative Edge Port :
PoE Priority :
Captive Portal Profile :
Policy :
BLDG01-F1# show vlan port 2/1/3
VLAN Name Mode Mapping
10 VLAN10 trunk port
BLDG01-F1# sh lldp neighbor-info 2/1/3
Port : 2/1/3
Neighbor Entries : 1
Neighbor Entries Deleted : 1
Neighbor Entries Dropped : 0
Neighbor Entries Aged-Out : 1
Neighbor Chassis-Name : Polycom VVX 500
Neighbor Chassis-Description : Polycom;VVX-VVX_500;3111-44500-001,7;SIP/ 17:14;UP/ 17:28;
Neighbor Chassis-ID :
Neighbor Management-Address :
Chassis Capabilities Available : Bridge, Telephone
Chassis Capabilities Enabled : Bridge, Telephone
Neighbor Port-ID : 00:04:f2:80:23:57
Neighbor Port-Desc : 1
Neighbor Port VLAN ID :
TTL : 120
Neighbor PoE information : MED
Neighbor Power Type : PD
Neighbor Power Priority : Unknown
Neighbor Power Source : BOTH
PD Requested Power Value : 8.0 W
PSE Allocated Power Value : 8.0 W
Neighbor MED Capabilities
Neighbor Device class : CLASS_III
MED capabilities enabled : Capabilities, Network Policy, PD, Inventory
MED capabilities supported : Capabilities, Network Policy, PD, Inventory
Neighbor Med Network Policy
Neighbor Med Application type : voice
Neighbor Med Policy VLAN ID : 10
Neighbor Med Policy Priority : 5
Neighbor Med Policy DSCP : 46
Neighbor Med Policy Unknown : false
Neighbor Med Policy Tagged : true
Neighbor Med Application type : voice-signaling
Neighbor Med Policy VLAN ID : 10
Neighbor Med Policy Priority : 5
Neighbor Med Policy DSCP : 44
Neighbor Med Policy Unknown : false
Neighbor Med Policy Tagged : true
Neighbor Mac-Phy details
Neighbor Auto-neg Supported : true
Neighbor Auto-Neg Enabled : true
Neighbor Auto-Neg Advertised : 1000 BASE_TFD, 100 BASE_TXFD, 100 BASE_TX, 10 BASET_FD, 10 BASE_T
Neighbor MAU type : 1000 BASETFD
Note: For Pre-standard Phone, enable below command on interface.
BLDG01-F1(config-if)# power-over-ethernet pre-std-detect
Use case 3: VOIP deployment using Local User Role (LUR)
Step1: Configure local user role
BLDG01-F1# show running-config port-access
port-access role phone_role
auth-mode client-mode
vlan trunk allowed 10
BLDG01-F1# show running-config interface 2/1/3
interface 2/1/3
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed all
spanning-tree port-type admin-edge
aaa authentication port-access allow-cdp-bpdu
aaa authentication port-access allow-lldp-bpdu
aaa authentication port-access client-limit 2
port-access security violation action shutdown
aaa authentication port-access dot1x authenticator
max-eapol-requests 3
max-retries 1
aaa authentication port-access mac-auth
cached-reauth-period 86400
quiet-period 30
Step2: On radius-server make sure same role name is configured and phone is authenticated.
BLDG01-F1# show port-access clients
Port Access Clients
Port MAC Address Onboarded Status Role
2/1/3 00:04:f2:80:23:57 mac-auth Success phone_role
BLDG01-F1# show port-access role
Role Information:
Name : phone_role
Type : local
Reauthentication Period :
Authentication Mode : client-mode
Session Timeout :
Client Inactivity Timeout :
Description :
Gateway Zone :
UBT Gateway Role :
Access VLAN :
Native VLAN :
Allowed Trunk VLANs : 10
Access VLAN Name :
Native VLAN Name :
Allowed Trunk VLAN Names :
QOS Trust Mode :
STP Administrative Edge Port :
PoE Priority :
Captive Portal Profile :
Policy :
Use case 3: VOIP Deployment using Download User Role.
Below Simple references will help during CX VOIP deployment also:
Have a nice day!