Wired Intelligent Edge

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  • 1.  AOS-CX Simulator Lab - OSPF Troubleshooting

    Posted Jul 28, 2021 09:49 PM
    Hello All
    I am running the AOS-CX Virtual 10.07.0010 in Eve-NG 4.0.1-50-PRO.I tried running the Lab that was posted yesterday by Ruben.Iglesias (by the way I VERY much apperciate the time and effort that is invested in creating these labs). I got as far as the steps in Task 4 were you run the debug to find the miss configured IP address. and I am not getting the "Source IP address =" err. I am getting a LOT of hardware errors.

    switch# sh debug
    Not configured
    switch# debug ospfv2 all
    switch# show debug buffer
    show debug buffer
    2021-07-29:00:30:45.333919|mcast-debugd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|MTRACE|MTRACE|Remove all_mtrace ovsdb entries on restart
    2021-07-29:00:30:46.401899|aaautilscfgd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|AAA|AAA_EVENT|hdf_inotify_listener_add_monitored_file failed
    2021-07-29:00:30:46.401923|aaautilscfgd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|AAA|AAA_EVENT|hdf_inotify_listener_add_monitored_file failed
    2021-07-29:00:30:54.112547|hpe-mgmtmd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|MGMTMODULE|MGMTMODULE_CONTROL|Could not open file '': No such file or directory
    2021-07-29:00:30:54.112654|hpe-mgmtmd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|MGMTMODULE|MGMTMODULE_CONTROL|mmap_file() failed
    2021-07-29:00:30:54.112668|hpe-mgmtmd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|MGMTMODULE|MGMTMODULE_CONTROL|Error reading image info for active image -1
    2021-07-29:00:30:54.891122|powerd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|PWRMGMT|PWRMGMT_READ|Invalid PSU count for chassis-1
    2021-07-29:00:30:55.526306|hpe-sysmond|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|SYSMON|SYSMON_CONFIG|Failed to capture amount of data written to coredump_partition_write_since_boot partition since boot
    2021-07-29:00:30:55.527524|hpe-sysmond|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|SYSMON|SYSMON_CONFIG|Fail to read sector size
    2021-07-29:00:31:00.103615|powerd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|PWRMGMT|PWRMGMT_READ|Invalid PSU count for chassis-1
    2021-07-29:00:31:05.210615|powerd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|PWRMGMT|PWRMGMT_READ|Invalid PSU count for chassis-1
    2021-07-29:00:31:05.389756|powerd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|PWRMGMT|PWRMGMT_READ|Invalid PSU count for chassis-1
    2021-07-29:00:31:05.403516|tunneld|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|VXLAN|VXLAN|tunneld_get_port_row_from_name: port row not found
    2021-07-29:00:31:05.403589|tunneld|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|VXLAN|VXLAN|get_cpu_rx_row_by_from: cpu rx row not found for VXLAN-Global
    2021-07-29:00:31:05.448569|powerd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|PWRMGMT|PWRMGMT_READ|Invalid PSU count for chassis-1
    2021-07-29:00:31:05.639438|powerd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|PWRMGMT|PWRMGMT_READ|Invalid PSU count for chassis-1
    2021-07-29:00:31:06.833839|powerd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|PWRMGMT|PWRMGMT_READ|Invalid PSU count for chassis-1
    2021-07-29:00:31:07.699885|ops-switchd|LOG_ERR|||||Subsystem C&C load failed: Invalid agent_id
    2021-07-29:00:31:07.716578|powerd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|PWRMGMT|PWRMGMT_READ|Invalid PSU count for chassis-1
    2021-07-29:00:31:07.820103|bfdd|LOG_ERR|AMM|-|BFD|BFD_SESSION|An HSC value was not specified [-1][-1][-1][-1]
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    There are errors in there about power supply counts, sector size, file open errors (again I think HDD related) etc.

    I deleted the imported lab, and tried to just build it out manually, and again exact same thing. Like EXACT.

    Anyone seen this before in an emulator?

    Any advise would be appreciated


    Daniel Worden

  • 2.  RE: AOS-CX Simulator Lab - OSPF Troubleshooting

    Posted Jul 29, 2021 08:06 PM
    Does anyone have any idea or feed back about this? I could really use some advise on this.


    Daniel Worden

  • 3.  RE: AOS-CX Simulator Lab - OSPF Troubleshooting
    Best Answer

    Posted Jul 30, 2021 03:33 AM
    This looks like a bug of some sort. The debug feature in the simulator is displaying erratic output.  We will  test internally and pass on to the Engineering Dev teams as appropriate. Thanks for raising.


    Steve Bartlett

  • 4.  RE: AOS-CX Simulator Lab - OSPF Troubleshooting

    Posted Jul 30, 2021 12:19 PM
    Thank you Steve for your reply. Good to know. I will move on to another lab.

    Hope you have a great weekend, and I look forward to hearing about any updates to this.

    Thanks again,

    Daniel Worden