Wireless Access

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  • 1.  AOS point-to-point MESH

    Posted May 26, 2016 11:25 AM

    I currently have a point-to-point mesh between two buildings.  The mesh point e0 is untrusted.  It is also setup as tunneled and switchport trunk.  I am tagging one vlan to e0 from the controller.  The user role tied to e0 sets noe and ica traffic to be in the high queue and dscp 46.  My questions is, by priortizing this traffic in the user role, does that only priortize it in the high queue when it enters and leaves the controller or does it also priortize that traffic in the air between the mesh portal and mesh point?



  • 2.  RE: AOS point-to-point MESH

    Posted May 26, 2016 11:32 AM

    To my knowledge, at least the last time I asked, there is no ToS or QoS over the iar on mesh links. it should preserve on the other side but as far as the mesh radios marking and doing 'WMM-like' QoS or any DSCP markings on the links themselves, they don't. So the mesh links need to be designed and/or protected if there is specific traffic that is required over these links.

  • 3.  RE: AOS point-to-point MESH

    Posted May 26, 2016 01:51 PM

    Thanks Jerrod.  I have a building that's connected via 2 point-to-point mesh links (AP-277).  One portal-to-point is approx 180 ft with RSSI of 48-50.  The other portal-to-point is 420 ft with RSSI of 48-49.  I have lowered the power down on both so the RSSI is now 35-37 on both mesh clusters.  We are having some stuggles with Lync and Virtual desktop traffic on these links.  From everything I can see the links look very healthy.

  • 4.  RE: AOS point-to-point MESH

    Posted May 26, 2016 02:03 PM

    Are these portal-point pairs co-located or are they separated by a large distance? What channels/channel widths are they running on and are all channels part of the path clean and clear with no interference between them on each link? That is where I would start first...