I have the same thing in, but the column is adjustable. If you remove some columns from the list, does it make the AP name column any larger? Mine does include the "..." at the end to indicate more data though, where yours is kind of just cut off.

Michael Haring
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 12, 2022 09:33 AM
From: Cody Ensanian
Subject: AP names cut short in conductor web gui
We just upgraded from to I noticed many of the 'down' APs (which for me are mostly spares, or APs I had prepped for upgrade but havnt deployed yet) have their names cut short in the conductor gui. (limit seems to be 15 characters) They appear ok in the AP database via CLI. The down APs had displayed their full names in the gui properly prior to upgrade, I am 100% sure of this. I'll show some examples below.
Just curious if anyone else has experienced or seen this. I think its mostly a cosmetic bug, but I couldn't find any known-issues in any release notes.