Alright, here's a good example. AP shows as up but no channels assigned and no radio LEDs.
As far as the config goes - I have two AP groups (group_a and group_b) but they use the same VAP, ARM profile, SSID profile... the only difference is the AP system profile... each different one has swapped LMS IPs to provide load balancing.
And just to reiterate... this is one subnet... the two controllers and the AP are connected by a simple, dumb switch.
show ap active:
(TerminalRoad-Master) #show ap active
Active AP Table
Name Group IP Address 11g Clients 11g Ch/EIRP/MaxEIRP 11a Clients 11a Ch/E
IRP/MaxEIRP AP Type Flags Uptime Outer IP
---- ----- ---------- ----------- ------------------- ----------- --------
----------- ------- ----- ------ --------
Flags: a = Reduce ARP packets in the air; A = Enet1 in active/standby mode;
B = Battery Boost On; C = Cellular; D = Disconn. Extra Calls On;
d = Drop Mcast/Bcast On; E = Wired AP enabled; K = 802.11K Enabled;
L = Client Balancing Enabled; M = Mesh; N = 802.11b protection disabled;
P = PPPOE; R = Remote AP; X = Maintenance Mode;
2 = Using IKE version 2;
Channel followed by "*" indicates channel selected due to unsupported configured
"Spectrum" followed by "^" indicates Local Spectrum Override in effect.
Num APs:0
show ap database long:
(TerminalRoad-Master) #show ap database long
AP Database
Name Group AP Type IP Address Status Flags Switch IP
Wired MAC Address Serial # Slot/Port FQLN Outer IP User
---- ----- ------- ---------- ------ ----- ---------
----------------- -------- --------- ---- -------- ----
d8:c7:c8:c0:c7:c0 Group_A 135 Up 3m:33s
d8:c7:c8:c0:c7:c0 AX0025568 N/A N/A
d8:c7:c8:cb:0a:fa Group_B 134 Down
d8:c7:c8:cb:0a:fa AX0034173 N/A N/A
d8:c7:c8:cb:10:54 Group_A 134 Down
d8:c7:c8:cb:10:54 AX0034858 N/A N/A
d8:c7:c8:cb:10:bc Group_B 134 Down
d8:c7:c8:cb:10:bc AX0034910 N/A N/A
d8:c7:c8:cb:10:f0 Group_B 134 Down
d8:c7:c8:cb:10:f0 AX0034936 N/A N/A
Flags: U = Unprovisioned; N = Duplicate name; G = No such group; L = Unlicensed
I = Inactive; H = Using 802.11n license; D = Dirty or no config
X = Maintenance Mode; P = PPPoE AP; B = Built-in AP
R = Remote AP; R- = Remote AP requires Auth; C = Cellular RAP; c = CERT-b
ased RAP; 2=Using IKE version 2
M = Mesh node; Y = Mesh Recovery
Total APs:5
show audit-trail: see attached file.
Here's something interesting... I've got a mix of AP134s and AP135s. I've noticed a difference between them. When the 134s boot up, after they upgrade their image they show up as unprovisioned access points. However, the 135s come up and automatically show as "up" with radio channels assigned, in the AP group 'default', but are flagged inactive, and while the radio LEDs are on, they are amber, not green.
When I provision these I'm setting a static IP (which is still valid on the subnet) but assigning a default gateway that doesn't currently exist on the network. I would think this should matter since the controller is only 1 hop away anyway.... right?