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I have a question we currently have 32 apple Tv's onsite we use theAruba mobility controller 3200XM version Group with 22 AP's105 and 93's. My issue is when we mirror we keep getting kicked off. Inoticed in the virtual AP that Drop Broadcast and multicast is checkedalong with Convert Broadcast to ARP request to multicast.Should they be enabled or disabled? Or do you have another solution thatI can look at?
Make sure your Apple TV devices and the iPads are on the same role.
I do drop BC in my WLAN, and they worked with Apple TV
Do you mean Initial role? they are.
This is my Apple TV with a role VIP-GUEST. Your guest user should have the same role. You can find the role in aaa profile. If you are using the captive portal, the role is in "aaa authentication captive-portal <your CP profile>"
(ARUBA) #show uUsers----- IP MAC Name Role Age(d:h:m) Auth VPN link AP name Roaming Essid/Bssid/Phy Profile Forward mode---------- ------------ ------ ---- ---------- ---- -------- ------- ------- --------------- ------- ------------ 38:ea:a7:3c:29:a4 PRINTER 01:23:33 00:1a:1e:c0:fd:8c Wireless COM-GUEST/00:1a:1e:8f:d8:c0/g-HT GUEST-AAA tunnel172.22.47.54 1c:e6:2b:e9:6a:d1 VIP-GUEST 07:19:26 00:1a:1e:c0:fd:8c Wireless COM-GUEST/00:1a:1e:8f:d8:d0/a-HT GUEST-AAA tunnel
I will check all of thanks for ur help. We have multiple Vlans accessing the apple Tv's just wanted to give more info.
Since you mention multiple VLANs, make sure the AppleTVs are not on a VLAN that is NAT'd.....whether src-nat is enabled on the VLAN or within the user-role policies.
NAt MASQ is applied in the friewall.
NAT will break AirPlay.
Make sure you're allowing Airplay between both devices. According to the ArubaOSv6.3 user manual (p834), these are the ports:
TCP: 5000, 7000, 7100, 8612, 49152-65535
UDP: 7010, 7011, 8612, 49152-65535
Bes regards