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  • 1.  Aruba 2930M refused to connect

    Posted Aug 13, 2024 09:40 PM

    Dear HPE support,

    I'm using Aruba 2930M switch. I have an issue that When I access ssh/telnet/web to Aruba 2930M with my IP then return error "refused to connect." Another PC with different IP: can access.

    I guess my computer ip address was accessed too many times, so the device locked the login

    Do you know How to remove IP that locked the login?

    Thank you.

  • 2.  RE: Aruba 2930M refused to connect

    Posted Sep 12, 2024 08:36 AM

    Hello oscar,

    please read the switch-manual section for "authorized managers".

    There is probably an active access-rule to only allow login from IP .101 actively. You would need to creat another allowed IP for .100.

    First check the existing reservations on the CLI with the following command:

    show authorized-managers


    show running config | include authorized-manager

    To change the needed section he command should be something like this: (please modify the access-rules to your needs)

    config terminal
    ip authorized-managers access manager
    write memory

    Afterwards please check the access-rights again with the already known command.

    show authorized-managers

    Have a nice day :-)


    prefers to not experiment with live customer equipment...