Wired Intelligent Edge

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  • 1.  Aruba 3810m Backplane Stacking Mesh Topology Question

    Posted Jul 05, 2024 04:00 AM

    Dear Community,
    I have a 4 members backplane stack with 2 x  JL075A and 2 x JL072A.

    I have followed the suggested meshing topology with two additional cables between each pair of switches for increased throughput between the same model switches.

    My question is if using the additional cables actually provides higher throughput or if can create issues with L3 functionality.

  • 2.  RE: Aruba 3810m Backplane Stacking Mesh Topology Question

    Posted Jul 07, 2024 12:49 AM

    I'd keep it cabled up like you have it. Utilizing the Mesh connectivity option like you have allows every switch to be connected to every other switch. Keeping the 4th stack port open will allow you to add a 5th switch in the future if needed. If you only had 3 switches then you could do a mesh topology with dual connections to each switch but with 4 switches having mismatched stack speeds between switches would probably cause more issues than any benefit you might get. 

  • 3.  RE: Aruba 3810m Backplane Stacking Mesh Topology Question

    Posted Aug 13, 2024 03:18 PM
    The two things, cables & L3, has nothing to do with each other.
    Yes, every cable ad throughput, and redundancy.
    Happy stacking.

    Med vennlig hilsen
        Steinar Grande