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Aruba 8325 VSX no mclag-interfaces sync (configuration_sync_missing_reference)

This thread has been viewed 37 times
  • 1.  Aruba 8325 VSX no mclag-interfaces sync (configuration_sync_missing_reference)

    Posted May 02, 2022 10:08 AM
    Hi all,

    I have a problem with the VSX configuration between two 8325s.

    I want to set up the following network configuration:

    The LAG 256 and the ISL Link is present on both nodes:
    8325-p# show run int lag 256 
    interface lag 256
       no shutdown
       description ISL link for VSX
       no routing
       vlan trunk native 1 tag
       vlan trunk allowed all
       lacp mode active

    8325-s# show run int lag 256
    interface lag 256
       no shutdown
       description ISL link for VSX
       no routing
       vlan trunk native 1 tag
       vlan trunk allowed all
       lacp mode active

    I created 24 MCLAGs (1-24) on primary switch and add mclag-interfaces on vsx sync:
    8325-p# show run vsx-sync  
    Current vsx-sync configuration:
    interface lag 1 multi-chassis
       no routing
       vlan access 1
       lacp mode active
    interface lag 24 multi-chassis
       no routing
       vlan access 1
       lacp mode active
       vsx-sync mclag-interfaces

    But on secondary switch the mclag-interfaces are not present:
    8325-s# show run vsx-sync  
    Current vsx-sync configuration:
      vsx-sync mclag-interface

    This is the vsx status output on primary:
    8325-p# show vsx status 
    VSX Operational State
     ISL channel             : In-Sync
     ISL mgmt channel        : operational
     Config Sync Status      : configuration_sync_missing_reference
     NAE                     : peer_reachable
     HTTPS Server            : peer_reachable

    Attribute           Local               Peer
    ------------        --------            --------
    ISL link            lag256              lag256
    ISL version         2                   2
    System MAC          54:80:28:ff:90:00   54:80:28:ff:c0:00
    Platform            8325                8325
    Software Version    GL.10.09.1010       GL.10.09.1010
    Device Role         primary             secondary

    I have already done a research on the configuration_sync_missing_reference status, but could not find out what the problem is.

    I am glad if someone could help me further.

    Best regards,

    Robin Reinhardt

  • 2.  RE: Aruba 8325 VSX no mclag-interfaces sync (configuration_sync_missing_reference)
    Best Answer

    Posted May 02, 2022 06:14 PM
    Edited by robin.reinhardt May 07, 2022 10:23 AM
    Hello Robin,

    "But on secondary switch the mclag-interfaces are not present"

    That's totally expected!

    When you create a VSX LAG (mc-lag) - say lag1 - on VSX Primary switch you MUST create the very same lag1 logical interface on VSX Secondary switch (and assign one ore more physical interfaces of the VSX Secondary switch to match what was configured on the VSX Primary Switch). That's due to the dual control plane architecture.

    The VSX synchronization you're referring to refers to some VSX LAG's properties and it doesn't create the corresponding VSX LAG interface on VSX Secondary (it's up to you to initially configure that part on VSX Secondary after having done that on the VSX Primary).

    To simplify, on VSX Primary (your 8325-p) you should configure the VSX LAG lag1:
    interface lag 1 multi-chassis
    vsx-sync vlans
    no shutdown
    description "VSX LAG 1 - Interface 1/1/1"
    no routing
    vlan access 1
    lacp mode active
    loop-protect vlan 1
    and the very same (let me use the term: mirrored) should be done on VSX Secondary:
    interface lag 1 multi-chassis
    vsx-sync vlans
    no shutdown
    description "VSX LAG 1 - Interface 1/1/1"
    no routing
    vlan access 1
    lacp mode active
    loop-protect vlan 1
    Then you need to assign the Physical interface (in this case - as per your configuration - the interface 1/1/1 on both VSX switches) to each VSX LAG lag1, on VSX Primary switch:

    interface 1/1/1
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    flow-control rx
    description "Interface 1/1/1 of VSX LAG 1 - VSX Primary"
    lag 1
    and similarly on VSX Secondary switch:

    interface 1/1/1
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    flow-control rx
    description "Interface 1/1/1 of VSX LAG 1 - VSX Secondary"
    lag 1
    That way the VSX LAG lag1 will be made of physical interface 1/1/1 of VSX Primary and interface 1/1/1 of VSX Secondary.

    My references are:

    ArubaOS-CX 10.09 Virtual Switching eXtension (VSX) Guide for 6400, 8320, 8325, 8360, 8400, 10000 Switch Series (February 2022 edition)
    The latter is particularly interesting because it explains very well the configuration philosophy, tips and tricks about VSX.

    It should very simple to look for PDF presentations where VSX configuration (with all the options you need: vsx synchronizations included, as example) are very well explained...also on You Tube you should be able to find very well done videos explaining the VSX architecture.

    Davide Poletto

  • 3.  RE: Aruba 8325 VSX no mclag-interfaces sync (configuration_sync_missing_reference)

    Posted May 07, 2022 10:23 AM
    Hello Davide,

    thank you very much for your reply.
    The hint that the MCLAG interfaces must be present on both members was the key.

    I will now take a close look at your attached reference links :)

    Robin Reinhardt