Thanks for testing. Not the behavior I would have expected. Glad I asked.
I'll start creating an RFC ;-) Thanks again.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 04, 2023 08:13 PM
From: TN41
Subject: Aruba 9004 re-assign license
I have a A9004-LTE and A9004 in my lab environment, and did the "upgrade" from advanced-70xx-90xx license to the Advanced with security.
Both controllers rebooted, but came up without loosing config.
I just tried to detach the "AwS" subscription, apply and detach "advanced", and apply "AwS" again, and this time the controller stayed up the whole time.
Unfortunately I don't know why this happened. And I'm sorry I can't give you a clear answer.
Someone else might have a different experience.
My recommendation is; Don't do it in a production environment without an RFC and maintenance window in place :)
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 03, 2023 05:15 AM
From: Jv80
Subject: Aruba 9004 re-assign license
Hi all,
I have a number of A9004 branch Gateways that currently have a Foundation-70xx-90xx license assigned. Now I have added a couple of Advanced security licenses to aruba central.
To assign the advanced security license to a Branch gateway, I will need to un-assign the current license and then assignthe new license. Is it save to do this in an production environment?
How does a Branch Gateway operate when it's aruba central license is unassigned? I assume the BGW will keep running using the configuration that is currenlty on the device but maybe not rep[ort to Aruba Central until the new license is assigned (which would like like 30 seconds)
Thanks in advance