Every VPNC needs to have the system-ip (aka controller-ip) set and this IP is used to setup the secure tunnel to Central but this IP address is encapsulated inside a tunnel. The VPNC will use the routing table and configured interfaces on the VPNC to create this tunnel and most of the times this is the WAN interface that is used for this
Forwarding of UDP4500 towards the VPNC is all that is needed.
Outbound you typically do not block anything and at least the tunnel to Central needs to be able to be established.
Best regards,
John Schaap
John Schaap ACEX#12
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 24, 2024 05:56 PM
From: OthmaneBoulaamane
Subject: Aruba AOS 10 VPNC and MicroBranch setup
Hi Experts,
I have a gateway cluster on Aruba central for VPNC persona and I have some questions to have the Microbranch AP work.
What ip does the gateway use to reach Aruba Central ? The system IP or the Wan interface IP ? Given that the default gateway IP is set to the wan interface gateway
If the gateway is behind a firewall, is forwarding udp 500/4500 sufficient ?
Is there anything outbound that need to be allowed from the wan interface of the gateway?
Thanks in advance!