In your setup (all APs of the same model) there is no need for preferred conductor. It will just reduce the flexibility of the whole configuration. Without it any AP can become VC if needed. If you have some bigger APs in the configuration (example have 1 AP635) then it would make some sense to setup preferred conductor to the fastest AP. This ensures that the fastest AP stay conductor when it return to the network.
By my experience even without preferred conductor selected, fastest AP in the cluster will usually take conductor role when it is joined to cluster.
Best, Gorazd
Gorazd Kikelj
MVP Guru 2024
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 16, 2025 02:47 AM
From: GorazdKikelj
Subject: Aruba AP Frequent reboot in VC
As Carlson already wrote, check if you have Preferred Conductor enabled on one of the APs. And disable it. Usually you don't need it except in specific situations.

Best, Gorazd
Gorazd Kikelj
MVP Guru 2024
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 15, 2025 12:56 AM
From: Debendra
Subject: Aruba AP Frequent reboot in VC
Hello Team,
We are facing an issue frequent AP reboot in virtual controller environment. Below is AP logs.
AP uptime is 2 days 19 hours 37 minutes 53 secondsReboot Time and Cause: AP rebooted Sun Jan 12 15:50:46 UTC 2025; System cmd at uptime 16D 23H 44M 34S: Preempted by provisioned conductor (54:f0:b1:cd:49:e0 uptime from boot: 2 weeks 2 days 23 hours 44 minutes 32 seconds; uptime from being conductor: 23 secondsend of show version