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  • 1.  Aruba Central API Script with variables from a CSV file

    Posted Oct 16, 2022 04:28 PM
    Edited by mkk Oct 16, 2022 04:39 PM
    Hi Airheads Guys,

    A while ago i create a python script to run Aruba Central API Calls where variables are read from a CSV file. In this case i used the script for bulk change the name of 600 Access Points where the serial number and new AP name are read from a CSV file.

    In fact the script can easily customizable for other API calls because the first part just read the variables from a CSV and next run a API POST Payload to Central where this variables are used.

    - The central_url depend on which Aruba Cental datacenter your account in located in.
    - The token can be generated for 2 hours in de Aruba Central WebGui under Global > Organization > Platform Intergration > API Gateway 
    - The file_location is the full-path where the impor.txt file is located, keep the "r" before the C:\ to make it a raw variable.

    I hope you find the script useful and have some nice use cases for it.

    # This python script use the Aruba Central API interface to bulk change the Access Point names based on a CSV import file.
    import requests
    import json
    ### Editable parameters ###
    central_url =
    access_token = "token_here"
    file_location = r"C:\test\import.txt"
    ### Note: The Aruba Cental API URL is based on the datacenter location.
    ### Note: The access_token must be created in Aruba Central first and is valid for 2 hours.
    ### Note: The file location is the fullpath incl. filename to the import.txt CSV. The "r" is needed to make the variable a raw format.
    ### HTML header in json code contains the access_token.
    header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token}
    ### Open the file_location CSV where "," is the delimter to devide the collums into two variables "serial" and "apname".
    with open(file_location) as importfile:
       for line in importfile:
          serial, apname = line.split(',')
          print(serial.strip(), apname.strip())
    ### Aruba Central API URL.
          url = central_url+"/configuration/v2/ap_settings/"+serial
    ### HTML body in raw json format contains the API payload.
          payload = {"hostname": apname,
                     "ip_address": "",
                     "zonename": "",
                     "achannel": "",
                     "atxpower": "",
                     "gchannel": "",
                     "gtxpower": "",
                     "dot11a_radio_disable": False,
                     "dot11g_radio_disable": False,
                     "usb_port_disable": False}
    ### Execute the API POST
          r =, json=payload, headers=header)
    ### Print the API Response code on screen
          response = r.text
          print (response)

    Marcel Koedijk | MVP Expert 2022 | ACEP | ACMP | ACCP | ACDP | Ekahau ECSE | Not an HPE Employee | Opinions are my own

  • 2.  RE: Aruba Central API Script with variables from a CSV file

    Posted Oct 25, 2022 06:26 PM
    This is great. Thanks.

    Also be aware of  this Aruba Central automation tool
    online documentation

    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba.