Hi Airheads Guys,
A while ago i create a python script to run Aruba Central API Calls where variables are read from a CSV file. In this case i used the script for bulk change the name of 600 Access Points where the serial number and new AP name are read from a CSV file.
In fact the script can easily customizable for other API calls because the first part just read the variables from a CSV and next run a API POST Payload to Central where this variables are used.
- The central_url depend on which Aruba Cental datacenter your account in located in.
- The token can be generated for 2 hours in de Aruba Central WebGui under
Global > Organization > Platform Intergration > API Gateway - The file_location is the full-path where the impor.txt file is located, keep the "r" before the C:\ to make it a raw variable.
I hope you find the script useful and have some nice use cases for it.
# This python script use the Aruba Central API interface to bulk change the Access Point names based on a CSV import file.
import requests
import json
### Editable parameters ###
central_url = https://eu-apigw.central.arubanetworks.com
access_token = "token_here"
file_location = r"C:\test\import.txt"
### Note: The Aruba Cental API URL is based on the datacenter location.
### Note: The access_token must be created in Aruba Central first and is valid for 2 hours.
### Note: The file location is the fullpath incl. filename to the import.txt CSV. The "r" is needed to make the variable a raw format.
### HTML header in json code contains the access_token.
header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token}
### Open the file_location CSV where "," is the delimter to devide the collums into two variables "serial" and "apname".
with open(file_location) as importfile:
for line in importfile:
serial, apname = line.split(',')
print(serial.strip(), apname.strip())
### Aruba Central API URL.
url = central_url+"/configuration/v2/ap_settings/"+serial
### HTML body in raw json format contains the API payload.
payload = {"hostname": apname,
"ip_address": "",
"zonename": "",
"achannel": "",
"atxpower": "",
"gchannel": "",
"gtxpower": "",
"dot11a_radio_disable": False,
"dot11g_radio_disable": False,
"usb_port_disable": False}
### Execute the API POST
r = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=header)
### Print the API Response code on screen
response = r.text
print (response)
Marcel Koedijk | MVP Expert 2022 | ACEP | ACMP | ACCP | ACDP | Ekahau ECSE | Not an HPE Employee | Opinions are my own