Hello all,
I've been recently running into an issue where stacked switches added to aruba central do not reflect the appropriate amount of ports in the device > Ports and Link aggregations menu.
I have two stacks of two switches and when inspecting either of them in this menu, only shows ports 1/1/1-1/1/52, but nothing for the second switch for 2/1/1-2/1/52. multiedit seems to function correctly.
These are all 6300Ms and in aruba central they come up as stacked and the second member is visible when inspecting the stack. What's odd is that i have plenty that i have added that DO show up with the appropriate amount of ports.
I've been stacking them as i add them to aruba central from the console by manually creating the VSF links. I've seen some documentation that states that stacking should be possible WITHIN aruba central, but i don' t seem to have this option or it may be referencing an older version.
https://help.central.arubanetworks.com/2.5.1/documentation/online_help/content/switches/cfg/conf-stack-ui-groups.htmspecifically below, as i don't have a "stacks" button.
3. Click the configuration icon to display the switches configuration dashboard.
4. Click Stacks.
any suggestions or best practice when it comes to stacking switches and aruba central?
adrian jatsiv