yes when it is enabled (default setting), Aruba Central controls the configuration of the CX switch, you can make changes to the config through CLI and it seems Central will retain the config changes you have made.
for a definitive answer please open a aTC case and get it answered by them
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Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of HPE or Aruba.
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 09, 2023 11:46 PM
From: businessuser
Subject: aruba-central support-mode question
aruba-central support-mode
Allows the device to be writable for all operations in Aruba Central lockout mode for troubleshooting.
The no form of this command disables this activity.
Please help me as I dont understand what this command does.
I assume that if it is enabled, aruba central will push down config to switch?
I assume that if it is disabled, I can edit the switch configuration but it will not change in aruba central?
So aruba central takes higher precedence.
What should I do if I want to change the cli and make it appear in aruba central assuming that there is existing config?
How is this command different from configuration-lockout central managed ?