Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Aruba Controller (Mid-market) roadmap

    Posted Oct 01, 2014 12:19 PM

    Are there any plans from Aruba for a model that bridges between the 7030 and the 7210?  We have a 3600 currently and approx 80aps.  We don't plan to expand past 128 in the near future, but would like to upgrade to a new controller and use the 3600 for redundancy.


    Does anyone know if Aruba has a mid-model 7200 series (or other) in the works that will support 128aps?  64 to 512 seems like a huge market gap.


    This is true of Aruba's history however.  Years ago they had the 2000 series which was too small for us and the 6000 series which was huge.  We made a giant inventment in the 6000 which was overkill, only to have aruba introdue the 3000 series a year later.  We can't afford to make that mistake again.


    Any ideas?


  • 2.  RE: Aruba Controller (Mid-market) roadmap

    Posted Oct 01, 2014 01:04 PM
    I would talk to your aruba Territory Manager as he can probably give you more info about that.

  • 3.  RE: Aruba Controller (Mid-market) roadmap

    Posted Oct 02, 2014 02:32 AM

    You can always go with 2 7030s :) 




  • 4.  RE: Aruba Controller (Mid-market) roadmap

    Posted Oct 02, 2014 02:34 AM

    I mean the 3600 as master and 2 7030 as local controllers and terminate all the aPS on the 7030s.   if one of the 7030 fails, fail over to 3600?

    Something like that could work for you maybe? 


