Original Message:
Sent: Mar 15, 2024 09:08 AM
From: sirstock
Subject: Aruba-CX 6200F - Remote mirror
Not sure how applicable it would be here but I have moved all my captures to capturing locally on the switch and then pulling the pcap with TFTP.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 14, 2024 05:00 AM
From: torro
Subject: Aruba-CX 6200F - Remote mirror
Many thanks
I will try again the next time I'm onsite, following the example you provided.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 14, 2024 03:03 AM
From: IanNightingale
Subject: Aruba-CX 6200F - Remote mirror
Hi, I don't believe you need to setup a GRE tunnel in the config in order to send the captured packets. The mirror session commands take care of everything you should need. It depends on what you are trying to achieve but I assume the end goal is to use wireshark on a PC to inspect packets?
If so, follow the instructions here which gives a good example. Note no GRE commands needed.
If you mean that the customer needs raw traffic to exit out of an interface on a remote switch, then this functionality (often called remote span) isn't available natively on CX. You would need to develop something like the first switch doing the "destination tunnel" part and the second switch decapsulating GRE somehow to reveal the raw data. In the majority of use cases the goal is to send traffic to a monitoring station which should in the majority of cases be able to handle receiving the packets inside a GRE tunnel.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 13, 2024 05:29 AM
From: torro
Subject: Aruba-CX 6200F - Remote mirror
Yesterday I was out at a customer site helping them with various things. They asked me, since I was there, to setup a remote mirror session between two 6200F switches.
Source was SW1 interface 1/1/20 and destination was SW2 and 1/1/20 using remote mirror functionality.
I couldn't get that working. I checked the the Aruba doc "AOS-CX 10.11 Monitoring guide, 6200 switch series". The example in there is not very good. My assumption first was that the mirror configuration creates the tunnel but since that didn't work I was then trying to set up a GRE tunnel between the switches according to "AOS-CX 10.11 IP Services Guide, 6200 switch series". This didn't work either. The example showed in the doc, "switch(config)# interface tunnel 33 mode gre ipv4" failed. I then just tried "interface ?" and "tunnel" wasn't even an optional command?
I then tried setting up a VLAN between the switches with an IP-address on the SVI interface on both switches in the same subnet, e.g sw1: vlan interface 999 ip address and sw2: vlan interface 999 ip address" but this didn't work either.
Am I missing the obvious here how to set up a GRE tunnel on the 6200F switches and setting up a remote mirror between two Aruba-CX 6200F? Can someone help out and give a working example for this?
Many thanks in advance.