Hi jkupski,
Well, I guess your not right that there is no dedicated RX/TX. In case of 1000BASE-T it applies to the autonegotiation phase.
Ethernet crossover cable - Wikipedia
The other 8325 restrictions are well known. The 1G SFP-BT is a J8177D and is plugged in Port 1/1/10 and interface-group 1 is configured for 1/10G.
And as I told, connecting my Laptops Ethernet Port through all the same cabling way to the 8325 the links comes up, as the laptops ethernet port is auto mdi-x capable and crosses RX/TX.
Connecting the Infoblox HA Port to the 8325 with the same cabling there is no connect.
I just try an old Cat5e Cross-Over Cable and voila, I do have a connect.
Perhaps the link would comes up with straight-through patch-cable, when both sides are configured to fixed "speed 1000 duplex full"
But I can't change this value on our Infoblox HA Pair.
t01k05001 (A) > set interface ?
1) set interface [lan1|ha|lan2] speed [auto|10M|100M|1000M] duplex [auto|half|full]
2) set interface mgmt [speed [auto|10M|100M|1000M] duplex [auto|half|full]]
3) set interface mgmt [off]
t01k05001 (A) > set interface ha ?
Error: IB-1415 members do not support HA Pair configuration.
So now I can say for sure the 8325 in combination with the SFP-BT (J8177D) does not make auto mdi-x, and so Cross-Over cables are needed if the connected device is also not capable of auto mdi-x.
BTW: the problem with the A10 was solved. There the new used ports were not enabled on the standby device. The GUI had shown erroneously a enabled state. So the A10 network device seems to support auto mdi-x on the 6 Copper Ports, Copper SFP in Port 7-10 not tested.
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 12, 2022 11:12 AM
From: John Kupski
Subject: Aruba CX-8325 1G RJ45 SFP - no auto mdi-x ???
MDI-X is not a thing with gigabit ethernet (there are no dedicated TX/RX pairs). It is likely that you are using an invalid port, or your port groups are not configured for 1G/10G operation. Verify all of the below requirements from the transceiver guide are satisfied in your configuration:
100Mbps speed is NOT supported for the J8177D on the 8325 series.J8177D does not support link-level flow control on 8325.
Only the following 4x4 part numbers are supported:
RJ45 transceivers are only supported for use in the top 2 rows of ports (max of 32 per switch).
J8177C/J8177D will have a delay (~15 secs) before link up or down is properly displayed when a cable is inserted or removed.
The 8325 requires configuration of "interface groups" (groups of 12 ports) to enable the use of 1G or 10G transceivers / DACs in the SFP28 ports (default is to use 25G transceivers / DACs).
See the Installation Guide for details.
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 11, 2022 09:42 AM
From: Robert Großmann
Subject: Aruba CX-8325 1G RJ45 SFP - no auto mdi-x ???
Hi guys,
I just try to connect some network devices like A10networks and Infoblox to one of my 8325 VSX Pair and did not get a link. Connecting a Laptop with same cabling gets a link.
Connecting A10/Infoblox to old 5406/5412 with same cabling also gets a link (RJ45 Port on the 5406/5412, not SFP)..
All cables and Patchpanels are straigh-through.
So I guess the 8325 or the 1G RJ45 Copper Transceiver is not capable of auto mdi-x (to change rx and tx on one side), and even the A10/Infoblox then are not able to cross the tx/rx.
Am I right, or is there any way to get the 8325 to do so? I would be very very dissapointing if the new CX-8325 Switches would be not capable of auto mdi-x (or manually setting mdi) using Copper SFPs!
Kind Regards
Vendor : Aruba
Product Name : JL635A Aruba 8325-48Y8C 48p 25G 8p 100G Swch
ArubaOS-CX Version : GL.10.09.1020