Having some trouble getting the HTTPS web authentication to work when logging into the switch GUI with TACACS but the local switch admin still works.
Anyone have any insight into this?
SSH TACACS works great after applying the fragmentation patch. I have allowed level 15 and administrator role in the enforcement profile I just do not see the attempt even making it to ClearPass for the web gui login. Nothing in the event viewer. Here are the CX switch commands I have deployed.
aaa authentication login https-server group CP-TEST-TACACS local (Allow HTTPS Login from TACACS? then Local)
aaa authentication login ssh group CP-TEST-TACACS local (Allow SSH Login from TACACS then Local)
aaa authorization commands ssh group CP-TEST-TACACS (Authorize SSH commands against TACACS)
aaa accounting all-mgmt https-server start-stop group CP-TEST-TACACS (Account HTTPS mgmt commands to TACACS)
aaa accounting all-mgmt ssh start-stop group CP-TEST-TACACS (Account SSH mgmt commands to TACACS)
aaa accounting port-access start-stop interim 5 group CP-TEST-RADIUS (Account 802.1x port to RADIUS)

Christopher Calhoun