so if you have successfully onboarded your BGW, then it should be visible in Central account.
is it visible? have you added the BGW to a Branch gateway group?
if this is urgent, you should open a TAC case so you can get it resolve quickly.
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba.
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 24, 2021 05:31 AM
From: Elouassif Abdelaziz
Subject: Aruba Gateway 9004 PPPOE WAN-uplink "as a internet router"
I have Aruba Gateway 9004 I need to make it as an internet router when I try with static-activation and OTP onboarding the configuration is done but the Gateway not working, BTW I have an MSP Aruba central.
Licence Done SD-branch foundation, device add to Aruba central.
I need some guidance about this and if any help.
Best Regarder
Elouassif Abdelaziz